
Some Important Eating Disorder Information Links

NEDA: National Eating Disorders Association

Eating Disorder Survival Guide

Eating Disorders Can Be Avoided

Causes Of Eating Disorders

ANRED: Anorexia Nervosa And Related Eating Disorders, Inc

Who Gets These Disorders And Why

Complications Of Starving, Stuffing, And Purging

Males With Eating Disorders

ANAD: National Association Of Anorexia Nervosa And Associated Disorders

Facts About Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders. Com

Eating Disorders Are Treatable But First You Have To Ask For Help

Please refer to links in headings for sources
picture source: MrsMenopausal


  1. Hey, I shared you today! Keep up the great work for women with eating disorders, especially this week. Ilissa Banhazl, Marriage and Family Therapy in Glendora, CA- www.eatingdisordersgroup.com
