
Fighting Disordered Thoughts: Anorexia

Another wonderful video by Holdingon.

See also: Eating Disorder Recovery: Using Affirmations



  1. Whatever is right above the video isn't showing up for me - I have a red X. Broken link?

  2. OYB, is it the title that's not showing up? Does it say "Fighting Disordered Thoughts: Anorexia," above the video?

    That's odd. It's working for me. I wonder if anyone else is having the same problem.

    Please let me know if it resolves itself.

  3. Oh I am so sorry I forget to check all the blogs! This is such a wonderful one, and I always find something helpful here. {{{Mrs.M}}}

    Daily Affirmations For Adult Children of Alcholics helped me so much, and I look forward to reading the Affirmations you linked to here re eating disorders.

  4. I love affirmations. AA, ALANON, OA, ACA, NA .. they all have some great affirmations.
    Thanks for stopping by and commenting, YY. And thank you so much for the compliment. :)

  5. Beautiful video. I want to copy what was said in the video and put it up in my room. This will be a reminder to realize how harmful my disordered thoughts can become to my health and happiness. Thank you.
