Recovery Quote Of The Week: November 27
"Thanksgiving ... universal to all ages and all faiths. At whatever straws we must grasp, there is always time for gratitude and new beginnings."
J. Robert Moskin
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
*Please see sidebar for more recovery quotes and quotes of the week.
*UPDATED* Eating Disorder Help: Hotlines, Organizations, and Websites
*If you know of a hotline, website, and/or organization not listed here please leave me the information in the comment section and I'll be glad to add them.
Thank You.
- Anorexia Nervosa and Associate Disorders (ANAD) 1-630- 577-1330
- Boys and girls Town National Hotline: 1-800- 448-3000
- National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) 1-800-931-2237
- Mental Health America: 1-800-969-NMHA
- National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
- Referrals to Eating Disorder specialists (US and Canada) 1-800-736-3739
- The Eating Distress Helpline (Ireland):011-44-2600366
- Thursday's Child National Call Center for at Risk Youth: 1-800-USA-KIDS
- Youth Crisis Line: 1- 800-HIT-HOME
Resources: (links)
- A Chance To Heal
- Academy For Eating Disorders
- Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders, Inc (ANRED)
- Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous
- Beating Eating Disorders (BEAT)
- Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA)
- Bulimia.com (Publications and Education)
- Eating Disorders Anonymous
- Eating Disorders Association (NI)
- Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention
- Eating Disorders Coalition (EDC)
- Eating-Disorder.com
- Eating Disorders Foundation Inc (EDF)
- Eating Disorders Recovery Services (EDRS)
- Eating Disorder Recovery.com
- Eating Disorders Recovery Resources Support Network (ED-support.com)
- F.E.A.S.T. (Families Empowered And Supporting Treatment of EDs) / Around The Dinner Table (F.E.A.S.T. Forum)
- Finding Balance (EDNOS)
- Food Addicts Anonymous (FAA)
- Food Addicts In Recovery (FA)
- F.R.E.E.D. Foundation
- Healthy Place.com
- Hope Network
- Mental Health America (MHA)
- MGEDT (Men Get Eating Disorders Too)
- Mirror Mirror Org
- National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)
- National Association for Males with Eating Disorders, Inc. (N.A.M.E.D)
- National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)
- National Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center
- National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC)
- Ophelia's Place
- Overeaters Anonymous (OA)
- Something Fishy
- The Body Positive
- The Butterfly Foundation (Australia)
- The Joy Project
UK/Ireland: (some headings are links)
- Anorexia and Bulimia Care: 01462 423351
- beat - beat eating disorders Helpline: 0845 6341414
- Bodywhys: 1890 200 444
- Caraline: 01582 457474
- National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence: 020 7067 5800
- Northern Initiative on Women & Eating:0191 261 7010
- SupportLine: 020 8554 9004
- The Eating Distress Helpline (Ireland): 011-44-2600366
- The International Eating Disorders Centre: 01296 330557
- The National Centre for Eating Disorders (NCFED): 0845 838 2040
- Threshold Women's Mental Health Infoline: 0808 808 6000
- Women and Eating: 0191 261 7010
- Young Minds: 0800 018 2138
- Youth Helpline: 0845 6347650
Recovery Quote Of The Week: November 19th
"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning but, anyone can start today and make a new ending." Maria Robinson.
Please see:
*sidebar "Inspirational Quotes" and "Recovery Quotes of the Week" for links to more recovery quotes.
picture source:publicdomainpicutes.net
Eating Disorders: A Look At What Others Are Talking About
Check out what others are talking about in these recent posts on the subject of EDs.
ED Bites: Gathering on the internet, around their disorder
Actively Arielle: Your Life Raft in the Waters of Criticism
The F-Word: Dangerous experimental diet drugs get the boot
Are You Eating With Your Anorexic?: If it is changing your bones, imagine what it is doing to your frontal lobe...
Avidalegria: Subjectivity and science
Mental Health Update: Olanzapine for anorexia
Stop Eating Disorders: Eating Disorder Binge Response to Crisis: Part IV of VI
picture source:publicdomainpictures.net
Eating Disorders and Pregnancy: TV Documentary Is Looking For Your Experience
Are you/ or have you been pregnant whilst having an eating disorder?
We’d like to get a better understanding of what pregnant women with EDs are going through to try and spread awareness of this issue. The film will be a thoughtful and insightful look into this extremely sensitive subject.
We’re in the research stages of our production and are very keen to chat to women with no commitment to taking part in the documentary.
If you’re interested in having a chat or finding out more call Paula on
020 7013 4389 or e-mail:
All contact will be strictly confidential and does not commit you to the programme in any way.
picture source: geekphilosopher com
Recovery Quote Of The Week: November 10th
"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf." John Kabot Zinn
Please see:
*sidebar "Inspirational Quotes" and "Recovery Quotes of the Week" for links to more recovery quotes.
picture source: Public-domain-photos.com
Relapse Prevention: Eating Disorder Recovery
Recovery is attainable and sustainable but remember, your eating disorder didn’t develop overnight and so it is to be expected that your recovery will likely be the same. Ups and downs, and slips and falls are to be expected. The recovery process is difficult but is worth every effort you put into it. Do not be discouraged if your first attempts do not bring the results you hoped for. Each step forward leads you closer to recovery. Each attempt strengthens the next.
Relapse Prevention
What are some common things you may experience that could have an affect on your recovery?
- Stress
- Death of a loved one
- Relationship difficulties
- Emotions: Feelings of guilt, shame, anger, abandonment, rejection
- Fear of change, fear of recovery
- Feeling powerless
- Midterms, finals
- Recent release from inpatient treatment
- Emotional trauma
- Discovery of issues in therapy
What can you do to prepare and better arm yourself? Several things.
- Daily weighing
- Letting your weight determine how your day will be
- Skipping meals or purging
- Over exercising/feeling a need to exercise more
- Feeling out of control if not dieting
- Feeling the need to escape from stress, family, therapy issues, etc
- Feelings of hopelessness or sadness
- Perfectionistic thinking returns and/or increases
- Increasing need to be in control
- Wearing only loose fitting clothes
- Obsessive thoughts about food and/or weight
- Increasing belief you can only be happy if you’re thin
- Obsessing over your reflection
- Dishonesty with therapist, friends, family, health care provider, etc
- Avoiding situations that involve food
- Feel fat though others assure you that you’re not
- Feeling guilt after eating
- Isolating yourself
- Feeling anxious, worried, tense, and/or restlessness
- Dwelling on past events
- Inability to use your support systems
- Avoiding certain foods because of calorie content
- Suicidal thoughts
Prepare in Advance. Have a Game Plan in Place.
Make two sided lists:
- Make a Coping Plan: On the left list the things that you feel may cause you to relapse. On the right list healthier, positive ways of dealing with each situation to help you to keep from resorting to old disordered behaviors in times of crisis. Keep this with you or in an easily accessed location.
- Change your self-talk: On the left side list the negative names and derogatory statements you make about yourself. On the right list positive alternatives/affirmations. Carry this with you and pull it out when you find yourself being self negative.
Shift Your Focus
- Be involved. Keep busy. Get involved in hobbies, crafts, and any positive activity that helps keep you busy and focused on things other than just your eating disorder and your recovery.
- Take time out for yourself each day. Remember that you are important and deserve to take care of yourself.
- Consider; Journaling. Meditation. Yoga. Art.
- Do things you; are good at. take pride in. find enjoyable and fun.
- Take a walk and enjoy the birds, nature, fresh air, and the world around you.
- Increase your feelings of dignity, value and ability by doing something meaningful each day. Something that is a positive for the world or another human being, even if it’s only in a small way. The smallest of things can have a huge impact.
Reach Out!
Make a list of names and numbers of those you can contact for help when you find yourself facing a difficult experience or disordered thoughts/behaviors (including your therapist/ ED coordinator). Reaching out can be a difficult thing for some to do but do it. Each time you do, the next time will be easier.
Be Kind to Yourself
It’s not always possible to avoid slips or relapse. Do not let this be a reason to stop trying. There is no shame in slipping or relapsing. There is no shame in having an eating disorder. Give yourself credit for each step you take, each change you make, no matter how small for each brings you closer to recovery. Extend to yourself the same kindness, understanding, support, and patience that you would to another going through what you are.
Plan each day around your recovery
Let it be that important. Recovery is a process and a learning experience. Keep your focus on what is important. Keep your self-talk positive. Believe in yourself. Believe in your recovery. It takes a lot of hard work but Recovery is attainable and sustainable.
See Also: Using Affirmations: Eating Disorder Recovery
sidebar: for Resources, Tools, Inspirational Recovery Quotes and Quotes Of The Week
Sources: http://www.healthyplace.com http://www.mental-health-matters.com http://www.mirror-mirror.org http://www.anorexiabulimiahelp.com/ http://edsupport.podbean.com picture source: freephotos.se
Recent News: Eating Disorders
Anorexia and the High-Achievers
by Lorna Marsh
Mary George, spokeswoman for Norwich-based Beat, the leading UK charity for people with eating disorders and their families, said it was often high achievers like Charlotte Robinson who succumbed to anorexia.
And, commenting on the teenager's tragic death, Ms George said that early intervention for sufferers was “imperative”.
She said that anorexia makes up just 10pc of eating disorders but has the highest mortality rate of any mental illness, killing a fifth of those diagnosed with the condition.
Ms George said high achievers are often the most vulnerable because of a striving for perfection that, compounded by a projected 'ideal' skinny model figure, becomes warped and deadly.
“Sadly it is all too common that anorexia occurs alongside being a high achiever who want to control their bodies and strive for misguided perfection.”
It is unlikely that an eating disorder will result from a single cause but more a combination of events and pressures.
Many people with an eating disorder talk about feeling 'not good enough' and say it is the only way they feel they can stay in control of their life although ultimately it is the condition which is in control.
Anorexia mostly affects the 12 to 20 age group with bulimia striking slightly later, on average between the ages of 18 and 25.
Ms George said that it is also sometimes a girl's mental rejection of oncoming puberty that can trigger the disease.
“It is that age when girls are becoming aware of their body image and maybe the individual does not want to that that step forward into womanhood.”
Read in full here.
Student Died Of Anorexia
A talented student died from anorexia due to "inappropriate delays" in her care, a coroner has ruled.
Charlotte Robinson, 18, who achieved four As at A Level, plummeted in weight from 9st 1lb to just 6st 2lb after living off as little as two sips of soup a day.
Read in full here.
Kids' Eating Disorders Underfunded
Girls as young as six are developing eating disorders because of teasing about their weight, a representative of the Bulimia Anorexia Nervosa Associaton said Wednesday.
"Research shows that when girls are teased about their size and their shape, they stop eating," said Mary Kay Lucier.
The association offers school programs to teach about teasing and self-image for young children who might develop an eating disorder.
"We had a girl today who was six, and she sure did understand that she wasn't eating because she didn't want to get teased.
"We've had 25 seven-year-olds in the past year come in in a state of acute starvation," Lucier said.
"It really is harmful to children to tease about their size."
But now there's a developing problem: The education programs are not government funded - although clinical programs are - and BANA must raise $281,000 a year on its own.
It and other agencies which help children are feeling the effects of the economy, which is increasing demand but reducing availability of money.
Read in full here.
Martha's House has saved me from my Eating Disorder Demons...
Eating disorders can destory lives but there is a Calderdale charity that can help beat the disease. Sarah Kelly meets a woman who says it turned her life around.
Read in full here.
CNS Response Provides Poster Review Of rEEG Guided Pharmacotherapy...
...results of a study presented at the U.S. Psychiatric and Mental Health Congress by Mark J. Schiller, M.D., Director of Medical Affairs for CNS Response and Assistant Clinical Professor in Psychiatry at the University of California, San Francisco. The poster presentation, titled "Referenced-EEG-Guided Pharmacotherapy of Dual-Diagnosis Patients," provided an analysis of a patient-controlled case series conducted to examine the use of CNS Response rEEG(R) in dual-diagnosis addiction patients.
Read in full here.
sources: check article links.
Recovery Quote Of The Week: November 1st
"Every step you take is a step away from where you used to be."
Brian Chargualaf
Please see:
*sidebar "Inspirational Quotes" and "Recovery Quotes of the Week" for links to more recovery quotes.
picture source: freephotos.se