
The True Beauty Wales Competition: Finding Images Of Real-Life Beauty

In conjunction with the Dove Self-Esteem Fund, The Cross-Party Group on Eating Disorders in Wales has launched a competition to find images of "Real Life" Beauty that challenges the size-zero culture and the narrow view of beauty that is portrayed in the media. "The Welsh public, especially young people, are being urged to take pictures of people who represent their own image of beauty and the ideal body shape."

It is estimated that at least 10,000 people in Wales have serious eating disorders.

The top 40 photographs chosen will be displayed during Eating Disorders Awareness Week, February 23-27, in the Senedd building, in Cardiff Bay.

The following rules apply:
The True Beauty Wales competition closes on February 16 and the best 40 photographs will be displayed in the Senedd from 10.30am on February 25.

The winner will be announced on February 25 at 5pm.

Entrants can post an A3-size photo depicting their idea of true beauty to Bethan Jenkins AM, National Assembly for Wales, Cardiff, CF99 1NA.

They can also be e-mailed to truebeauty09@gmail.com or gwirharddwch09@gmail.com.

Alternatively images can be uploaded to www.flickr.com/groups/truebeauty_gwirharddwch.

Each photo should include a person and the rights to use 40 exhibited photos in publicity.

No responsibility is accepted for damage or loss and only one submission can be made per person.

The photograph must have been taken in the last 12 months and the person photographed must be over 16.

You can read more about The True Beauty Wales competition here.

picture: flickr.com

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