
National Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2009: Online Candlelight Vigil

Alabama Network For Eating Disorders Awareness (ALNEDA) is lighting virtual candles on their website for anyone who has had their life touched by an Eating Disorder. The candles will be on display Until February 28th, 2009

From their site:
  • White candles are for Remembrance, for individuals who have lost their lives to an eating disorder.
  • Silver candles are for Support, for individuals who are struggling with an eating disorder.
  • Gold candles are for Celebration, for individuals who are in recovery or who have recovered from an eating disorder.
You can light a candle for yourself or someone you know here.
You can see the virtual candles here.

*More National Eating Disorders Awareness Week posts.

more links included there.

Picture source:Bigfoto.com


  1. They will also be having an in person candle lighting ceremony tonight a Samford University. Since I live here in Alabama, am planning on attending. When you choose to light a virtual candle---you have the option of having a candle lit at the ceremony tonight even if you can not attend.

  2. I think it is, too, Ana.
    Thanks for taking the time to comment. I really appreciate it.

  3. Bama! :)

    I wish I could go with you but you're way too far away from me. I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful event. Please come back and let us know how it went. I'm really interested in hearing all about it.

  4. I saw you lit a candle for all those struggling with an eating disorder. Thank you very much for this.

  5. You're very welcome. It takes a while for the candles to show up. I'm glad to hear it's there now.
    Thank you for taking the time to comment.
