
December 2010: ED News

Link found between shoplifting and eating disorders in women
The Mainichi Daily News 

Women who habitually shoplift are also very often the victims of eating disorders, suggests a survey by Akagi-kohgen Hospital in Shibukawa, Gunma Prefecture.
The institute is a psychiatric hospital that specializes in treating disorders like alcoholism. It found that over 70 percent of female patients it surveyed who were receiving treatment for kleptomania also had eating disorders like bulimia.
"Shoplifting is of course a crime, but in these types of cases, treatment to prevent a recurrence is necessary," says hospital head Michio Takemura.
Takemura and others surveyed 132 male and female patients that had received treatment for kleptomania at the hospital and affiliated clinics in the Tokyo metropolitan area from January 2008 through July 2009. Of the 92 female patients, 68, or 74 percent, also had eating disorders. Of the 40 male patients, 4, or 10 percent, had eating disorders, showing that the correlation was much higher in the female patients.
Read Shoplifting/ED Link in full. 

Why are so many kids being treating for eating disorders?
ABC 15

Did you know that the rate of kids 12 and younger being hospitalized for eating disorders has risen 119% from 1999 to 2006? This is according to a recent study published by Journal of American Pediatrics.

This is such a scary statistic, but why is this becoming an issue for kids so young?
Caroline Miller is someone who has overcome the mental illness of eating disorders.
She wrote an autobiography called “My name is Caroline” in 1988 and at that time was one of the first books to discuss eating disorders and put a face on the disease. Caroline joined us on Smart Family to talk about this battle of eating disorders.
Read So Many Kids in full.

Tis The Season: Surviving The Holidays With An Eating Disorder
Sacramento Press

When we think of the holidays, our thoughts often go to family, friends, gift-giving, shopping and, yes, food.
Celebrating the season while sharing food with loved ones is part of our collective culture and something we look forward to. But for individuals struggling with an eating disorder, this can often be one of the most distressing times of year.
In the United States, an estimated 8 million girls and women and 1 million boys and men struggle with an eating disorder. Although the average age of onset is 14 to 16, there is no age, gender or cultural limit on who struggles or for how long. Women and men in their 30s, 40s and beyond struggle with anorexia, bulimia or binge eating disorder. An estimated 10 percent die.
Read Tis The Season in full.
Check out this and also this for more holiday survival tips. 

'Plus-sized' model Crystal Renn looks decidedly 'model-sized' in Zac Posen's new look book

Los Angeles Times

Crystal Renn, a former traditional-sized model who became the poster girl for plus-sized modeling after gaining weight and writing about her struggle with anorexia, is still ruffling feathers for seemingly dropping the pounds that make her "plus."
Renn, who co-stars in designer Zac Posen's pre-fall 2011 look book, was never plus-sized in the traditional, size-10-to-14 sense (she claims to be a size 8), but looks even tinier in the new photographs -- a fact that hasn't escaped chatty fashion watchers online. 
Read Crystal Renn in full.

Among Jewish women, eating disorders go under-reported
Stigma of mental illness on marriageability is cited
 The Washington Times

COCONUT CREEK, Fla. | Hilary Waller remembers begging her mother to let her fast on Yom Kippur. At 10 years old, she was a bit too young, but embracing the rigid discipline seemed desperately important.

"It felt like I was practicing not eating. It was something that was reassuring and gave me strength and a sense of pride," said Ms. Waller, now a 28-year-old teacher at a religious school in Blue Bell, Pa.

It was the same rush she got years later in college each time she saw the scale tip downward. Ms. Waller, who suffered from anorexia, starved herself until she stopped menstruating, lost some of her hair and was exercising several times a day.

Health experts say eating disorders are a serious, underreported disease among Orthodox Jewish women and to a lesser extent others in the Jewish community, as many families are reluctant to acknowledge the illness at all and often seek help only when a girl is on the verge of hospitalization.
Read EDs go under-ground in full.

I’m not fat, says ballerina faulted for ‘too many sugarplums’

A ballerina who overcame anorexia doesn’t need or want an apology from the New York Times critic who made a crack about her weight in a review of “The Nutcracker,” saying the comment hurt initially but is just part of being a professional in a field that demands perfection from those who work in it.
“As a dancer, I do put myself out there to be criticized, and my body is part of my art form,” Jenifer Ringer, 37, told TODAY’s Ann Curry during an interview Monday. “At the same time, I am not overweight."
Read Ballerina in full.

 all sources linked above


NEDA College Survey Project

NEDA is looking for participants for a survey about ED resources at colleges.

"Ever wondered if your college (or your child’s campus) offered eating disorder and body image resources? Is there treatment available on campus? Diagnosis? Prevention?

NEDA Announces its College Survey Project to review eating disorder-related services and programs available on college and university campuses. Complete the survey by 12/15 to be entered into a drawing for free NEDAwareness Week Workplace Kit!
Who is eligible to participate?
All college and university campus staff members who are involved in developing and implementing mental health and well-being programs and services related to eating disorders and body image issues on college and university campuses.

Why participate?
By filling out this short 15-30 minute survey, you can help NEDA identify what services and programs are available on campuses around the country for students struggling with, recovering from, and at risk of developing eating disorders and related body image issues.

What is the Deadline?
Submissions must be received by December 15, 2010. All participants will be entered into a drawing to win a free NEDAwareness Week Workplace Kit, complete with 2011 “It’s Time to Talk About It” Posters, How to Help a Friend Brochures, Helpline Cards and Pens!
Be sure your school is represented! Please forward the survey link to anyone who may be an appropriate participant in this study.

*This study has been approved through the Pace University Institutional Review Board."

Click here to participate in the survey.
*Share this and spread the word.

picture source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/csessums/4423278525/sizes/l/


Recovery Quote Of The Week: December 7th, 2010

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.
Helen Keller

See sidebar menu for more Recovery Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.
