Did you know that smiling has both emotional and physical health benefits? It does!
We are blessed from from the moment we are born. We come equipped with the ability to smile at birth. It's true, we are all born already knowing how to smile.
When the zygomaticus major muscles in our cheeks contract, the corners of the mouth are drawn up into a smile. But what else is happening when we smile?
Better Than Chocolate
Researchers at The British Dental Health Foundation revealed that after participants were shown pictures of smiling people, their brain and heart activity was equivalent to being given the stimulation of 2,000 Chocolate bars.
Ups Your Serotonin
Serotonin is a vital component of the regulation of mood, sleep, appetite, and sexuality. The biological connection to elements of happiness in the production of Serotonin is evident. It's a two way street... good sleep, good mood, good food, and good sex will up your Serotonin production.
Smiling is a Natural Drug
Studies show that endorphins, natural painkillers, and serotonin are released when we smile. Together these make us feel good. Just like how exercise releases endorphins, smiling does, too. Try smiling 50 times right in row for a good boost.
Lowers Blood Pressure
Studies confirm that when you smile, your blood pressure is reduced. Smiling and laughing regularly can make a measurable difference.
Helps To Relieve Stress
Stress causes many physical reactions including an increase in blood sugar levels, disturbs the natural function of the digestive system, pulse rate increases substantially, breathing becomes faster and our breaths are more shallow.
Smiling and slowing your breathing can keep the stress from increasing and help reduce it. It's those glorious endorphins again... the feel good neurotransmitters.
Changes Our Mood & Increases Our Happiness
The British Dental Health Foundation conducted a study that showed the act of smiling dramatically improved mood. It increases happiness not only in ourselves but in those around us. Endorphins come into play here, too. Smiling tricks your mood into being more positive (faking does this, too) because the muscles we use to smile ties into how the how the brain assesses mood.
There's a theory called Facial Feedback Hypothesis that suggests that our expressions can actually intensify our feelings.
Increases Longevity
While happiness comes at every age, the smiles of our golden years can actually improve longevity. A study, published in General Psychiatry, consisting of participants over the age of 65, concluded that those optimists were 71% less likely to die from certain causes, in contrast to pessimists.
Smiles Are Contagious
Really! Scientific studies have shown that people have a difficult time maintaining a frown when those around them were smiling. Their bodies react, their facial muscles twitching into smiles of their own. It actually takes more effort and muscles to frown.
We Are Drawn To Those That Smile
There's an attraction that happens when we see a smiling, happy, face. The smile draws us in. We want to get to know the smiler. We want share in the good feelings they possess.
A Smile Is The Best Makeup
A research study by Orbit Complete discovered that a whopping 69% of people find a makeup-free, smiling face more attractive than a makeup-wearing, non-smiling one. Another benefit of smiling is that it exercises the face, using between 5 and 53 facial muscles, helping to prevent sagging, droopy skin.
Smiling Changes Our Tone Of Voice
When we smile we project a more welcoming, warmer tone to those that are listening. Our voices convey that feeling, even if the person we're talking to cannot see us. Smiling while talking on the phone ensures a more positive and happier conversation.
We Even Benefit From A Stranger's Smile
That warm and contagious smile someone bestowed upon us actually carries over into our daily interactions with others. How's that for powerful, positive interaction?
Smiling Can Help You In Court
Smiling certainly isn't always appropriate in a courtroom setting, but when it is you may end up with lighter penalties. It's a phenomenon known as The Smile-Leniency Effect and it has shown that judges have given lighter punishments to smilers. Several court studies have revealed that it truly happens... even if you're guilty.
Universally Recognized
Anthropologists, biologists and psychologists agree that smiles are globally recognized. It's the real, teeth baring, lifted cheek inducing, squinting eye reaction that's globally recognized as a reaction to happiness.
Size Matters
The size of your smile increases the pleasure you feel. Smiling wider than a grin reaps the most physical and emotional health benefits.
Smiling is infectious,
You can catch it like the flu.
Someone smiled at me today,
And I started smiling too.
So.. what are you waiting for? SMILE!!! It's good for you. It's good for your physical and emotional health... and so, in turn, it's good for your recovery.
Share the cheer and good health with friends, family, coworkers, and even strangers.
Everyone benefits when we smile.
©Weighing The Facts
compiled from: http://www.organicnutrition.co.uk/articles/immune.htm
I think smiling is really important for our health, even though few recognize this. It can be hard to smile when you don't feel like it, and some will argue that if you fake smile, it won't have the same benefit.
ReplyDeleteI believe in simple things, and simple little things make me smile daily. Waking up and seeing the sun shining, seeing my dog run around in the park and playing, and helping other people.
I loved all your benefits of smiling, there really was a mixed bag of physical and emotional benefits to your health from smile.
Thank you for commenting, Emma. I love your attitude! A good attitude/outlook and smiling.. a great combo :)