
R.I.S.E. Recovery Inspiration Strength Exercise


R.I.S.E. (Recovery Inspiration Strength Exercises) are activities meant to give a little positive boost to self-esteem, body image, and self-talk to help strengthen recovery efforts.

Each week a simple and easy activity will be listed in the sidebar marquee (located below the morning and bedtime affirmations. Previous R.I.S.E can be found by clicking the icon in the sidebar).

I hope you find them helpful.

This Week's R.I.S.E. 

1. Write down your favorite positive affirmation on paper or index cards. Make it something that you really need to hear. Make several of them.

2. Put them where you'll see them often (suggestions: bathroom mirror, dash of your car, over your bed, the door use use to leave the house, in your purse to read whenever you need it).

3. Each time you see it take a moment to read it, say it aloud, mean it! Choose just one or two affirmations, duplicated on your index cards, one per card (or paper).

4. Believe! 

©Weighing The Facts

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