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body image
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Showing posts with label
body image
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Recovery Quotes: Beauty
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. Confucius Just because you are blind, and unable ...
Self-Defining Personal Beauty
Just because you are blind and unable to see my beauty doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I love this quote b...
Accepting and Loving Your Body
Bodies. They come in all shapes and sizes. They are unique. Each one an original creation. Bodies are a true exa...
Dear Body: A Letter of Apology and Gratitude
Dear Body, I know that we haven't always been close or even on friendly terms and the amount of abuse that you have ...
10 Ways to Lighten Emotional Burdens & Create Change In The New Year
What is the number one New Years resolution, year after year? Is it health or happiness? No. More time with family and fri...
This Week's R.I.S.E. :Self-Love Jar
This week's R.I.S.E. (Recovery Inspiration Strength Exercise) is to start a Self-Love Jar. Materials Needed: *empty jar *slips of...
This Week's R.I.S.E. :Plant Seeds Of Recovery
This week's R.I.S.E. (recovery inspiration strength exercise) is to Plant Seeds Of Recovery . Imagine yourself standing in a garden. ...
This Week's R.I.S.E. : Daily "Me Time"
This week's R.I.S.E. (Recovery Inspiration Strength Exercise) is to give yourself some " Me Time " every...
Recovery Quote Of The Week: November 8, 2011
Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become. Unknown *See sidebar me...
This Week's R.I.S.E. : Start A Gratitude Journal
This week's R.I.S.E. (Recovery Inspiration Strength Exercise) is to start a Gratitude Journal . Let's focus...
This Week's R.I.S.E.: Make A Feel Good Image File
This Week's R.I.S.E. (Recovery Inspiration Strength Exercise) is to create a file of Feel Good Images. 1.) Collect images that: *li...
Love Your Body Day 2011: 5 Ways To Celebrate
It's LOVE YOUR BODY Day! You are not defined by the reflection in your mirror. You are an amazing creation both insid...
Be Body Positive Day 2011 is Right Around the Corner
i Bombarded by images and messages from the media, and society in general, women are faced with often impossible standards to hold ourselve...
Body-Positive Billboards Make Debut In Utah
The nations first non-profit body-positive billboards are now gracing the roadsides of Utah! Identical twins, Lindsay and Lexie Kite, ...
Body Image: My Own Worst Enemy
Looking back, I don’t remember a time that I liked my body or felt comfortable in my own skin. Somehow, early o...
Razor Dance: A Young Woman's Poem About Self-Injury and Where She Is Now In Her Recovery
* Warning: This poem may be triggering Razor Dance Blood churns interweaving like an intricate crimson bracelet encircled tightly 'roun...
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Guest Blogger Margarita Tartakovsky: Inspiring Words On Seeking ED Recovery
I am excited and delighted to introduce my first guest blogger, Margarita Tartakovsky of Weightless , a blog on , which ...
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