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Recovery Quotes: Beauty
Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it. Confucius Just because you are blind, and unable ...
Self-Defining Personal Beauty
Just because you are blind and unable to see my beauty doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I love this quote b...
Accepting and Loving Your Body
Bodies. They come in all shapes and sizes. They are unique. Each one an original creation. Bodies are a true exa...
Love Your Body Day 2011: 5 Ways To Celebrate
It's LOVE YOUR BODY Day! You are not defined by the reflection in your mirror. You are an amazing creation both insid...
Be Body Positive Day 2011 is Right Around the Corner
i Bombarded by images and messages from the media, and society in general, women are faced with often impossible standards to hold ourselve...
Body Image and Self-Esteem Links: National Eating Disorders Awareness Week
Body Image and Self-Esteem Links: Letters To My Body The Body Image Project We Bite Back's Post-Its Project Body Image Tests Self-Esteem...
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