
Shame and Eating Disorders: Would You Like To Share Your Experience?

Based on the recent poll, My Eating Disorder: One Word At A Time, one of the highest ranking choices was the word "Shame."

In hopes of helping others to understand and/or relate, Weighing The Facts is looking for your experience with shame and it's connection to your eating disorder. Submissions that are received will be included in an upcoming post. All submissions will be anonymous, listing only your gender and your age. You may include your first (or a fictitious) name if you so choose.

It can be whatever you need for it to be; one word, one or several paragraphs, or a poem. It is totally up to you.

If you are interested in sharing your experience and having it posted here, please email me at MrsMenopausal@yahoo.com.

Thank you.

Poll results can be found here.

Writings on the shame and eating disorders can be found here.

picture source: http://www.bigfoto.com


  1. I am too much
    and not enough.

    I feel conspicuous
    as if everyone
    can see
    that there's
    something inherently
    wrong with me.

    I am too much -
    too much anger
    flowing to the
    too loud
    and too raw
    in my expression.
    You lock me
    in my room
    and all I see
    is a closed door
    reflecting my anger
    back toward me.

    I am not enough.
    I am not neat enough
    I cannot compose
    myself or
    colour strictly
    between the lines.

    I am not loud enough
    I cannot put myself
    out there
    I feel shame burning
    my insides
    as you all see
    my pitiful core...
    the wrong
    parts of me.

    I am too much
    I don't deserve
    to take up so much space...
    I am selfish
    or so you say,
    so I learn to deny
    my needs.
    I learn to starve
    my feelings away.

    I am too much
    but I am shrinking...
    I am not enough
    so endlessly
    I pursue an ideal
    hoping it will
    transform...or destroy me.

  2. Dear {{{Anonymous}}}},
    I have received your writing. Thank you. I will definitely include it with the post on shame and eating disorders which will be posted soon. Could you please email me or leave a comment with your gender and age? I'd like to include it with your writing.
    Thanks, again.

  3. Anonymous, your writing has been included in the post on shame. You can find it here: http://weighingthefacts.blogspot.com/2008/10/shame-and-eating-disorders-readers.html

    Thank you so much for taking part in this.
