*This post will be updated and polls added to the beginning as they are completed. 

Anxiety and Eating Disorders

I have anxiety & ED
  120 (80%)
Self -diagnosed
  58 (38%)
Medical diagnosis
  76 (50%)
  52 (34%)
  55 (36%)
Supplements help
  14 (9%)
Meditating helps
  26 (17%)
Music helps
  74 (49%)
Journaling helps
  56 (37%)
Therapy helps
  62 (41%)
Self-talk helps
  37 (24%)
Nothing helps
  39 (26%)
Coping on my own
  43 (28%)
Not coping well
  79 (52%)
Ready to seek help
  19 (12%)
  23 (15%)
also PTSD
  24 (16%)
also BPD
  17 (11%)
also OCD
  43 (28%)
also Other
  32 (21%)
Not in Recovery/ED
  51 (34%)
In Recovery/ED
  52 (34%)
Do not want to Recover/ED
  47 (31%)
Want to Recover/ED
  71 (47%)

Votes: 150

 The New Year Makes Me Feel... (choose all that apply)

  75 (61%)
  65 (53%)
  55 (45%)
  43 (35%)
  17 (14%)
Brand New
  18 (14%)
  30 (24%)
  34 (28%)
  26 (21%)
  63 (52%)
  24 (19%)
  17 (14%)
  28 (23%)
  17 (14%)
Nothing Different
  27 (22%)

Votes so far: 121
Poll closed

The Road To Recovery: The Positive Results Of My Recovery... (choose all that apply and feel free to add more to the comments of the post for this poll)
Support from family
Support from friends
  15 (42%)
Support from (other)
  15 (42%)
  21 (60%)
Self-Esteem Improved
  18 (51%)
  14 (40%)
New sense of self
  17 (48%)
Sense of purpose
  17 (48%)
Sense of security
  9 (25%)
Clearer mind
  18 (51%)
  13 (37%)
  21 (60%)
Zest for life
  15 (42%)
Helping others
  13 (37%)
  16 (45%)
  24 (68%)
  15 (42%)
  9 (25%)
  15 (42%)
  16 (45%)
  13 (37%)
  17 (48%)
Trust in myself
  16 (45%)
Trust in others
  9 (25%)
Stronger relationship(s)
  19 (54%)
  10 (28%)
  7 (20%)
  14 (40%)
  15 (42%)
Found myself again
  12 (34%)

Votes: 35

Should The Door Be Closed To Pro-Ana Sites? Do they provide needed support to those struggling with an eating disorder or are they harmful to health and well-being? Do you/did you visit pro-ana sites? Did they hurt/help your ED? (choose all that apply)

Definitely close them
33 (30%)
They should be illegal
19 (17%)
They're harmful
57 (52%)
They're harmless
7 (6%)
They're all bad
19 (17%)
They're not all bad
38 (34%)
Keep them open
28 (25%)
They're needed
15 (13%)
12 (11%)
Made me aware/dangers
22 (20%)
Encouraged my ED
45 (41%)
Sparked my restricting
24 (22%)
Turned me off to Anorexia
5 (4%)
Hurt my recovery
31 (28%)
Helped my recovery
9 (8%)
I visit them regularly
24 (22%)
I refuse to go to them
11 (10%)
I used to go/stopped
44 (40%)
Never visited one
7 (6%)
I have.. anorexia
41 (37%)
28 (25%)
37 (33%)
8 (7%)
5 (4%)
6 (5%)
6 (5%)
Am recover-ing/ed
58 (53%)
Not in recovery
17 (15%)
Do not want recovery
16 (14%)
Want recovery
30 (27%)
I am under 16 yrs old
12 (11%)
16-21 yrs old
56 (51%)
22-35 yrs old
31 (28%)
36-45 yrs old
5 (4%)
I am older than 45
2 (1%)
Parent of child with ED
0 (0%)
Medical Professional
3 (2%)
ED Advocate
7 (6%)
Personal Experience
49 (44%)

Votes 109


THIS IS A 3 PART POLL (see below)

Part 1:

Dieting History Part 1: How old were you when you went on your first diet, how often do you diet? (choose all that apply)

Before the age of 5
5 (2%)
Btwn 5-9 yrs old
25 (12%)
Btwn 10-14 yrs old
89 (44%)
Btwn 15-18 yrs old
67 (33%)
In College
18 (8%)
Btwn 22-28 yrs old
9 (4%)
Btwn 29-35 yrs old
3 (1%)
36 yrs old and over
1 (0%)
I diet: 1-3 times/year
11 (5%)
4-6 times a year
9 (4%)
more than 7 times a yr
17 (8%)
I'm always dieting
83 (41%)
I've never dieted
19 (9%)
I will not diet again
16 (7%)

Votes so far: 20
part 2:

Dieting History Part 2: Who/what first prompted you to diet? (choose all that apply)

44 (31%)
18 (12%)
14 (10%)
Other Family Member
25 (17%)
36 (25%)
Adult Authority Figure
16 (11%)
No one
46 (33%)
Wanted to be like: model
47 (33%)
women in magazines
49 (35%)
women in movies
33 (23%)
Was: bullied
32 (23%)
44 (31%)
made fun of
50 (35%)

Votes : 139

Part 3:

Dieting History Part 3: Dieting led to: (choose all that apply)


My ED and mymarriage/romantic relationship(s): My partner.....
(choose all that apply)

is unaware
22 (18%)
24 (20%)
is fully aware
57 (47%)
is supportive
48 (40%)
doesn't understand
60 (50%)
is abusive
1 (0%)
is compassionate
50 (42%)
monitors my eating
32 (26%)
doesn't care either way
10 (8%)
worries about me
67 (56%)
causes me anxiety
32 (26%)
is pro ED
2 (1%)
also has an ED
2 (1%)
is recovered from ED
3 (2%)
left because of my ED
2 (1%)
knew before hand
28 (23%)
found out after together
25 (21%)
is afraid for me
38 (31%)
is angry with me
23 (19%)
I am in recovery
52 (43%)
I am not in recovery
43 (36%)

Votes: 119

Part 3:


When it comes to my ED, I ...

(choose all that apply)

speak openly
29 (19%)
am afraid to tell anyone
46 (31%)
want to tell but haven't
30 (20%)
am ready to speak up
23 (15%)
have told friends
77 (52%)
have told family
62 (41%)
have told therapist
62 (41%)
only tell other pro ED
14 (9%)
have told no one
10 (6%)
want recovery
60 (40%)
do not want recovery
44 (29%)
am in recovery
54 (36%)

Votes: 148

Eating Disorders and Thanksgiving Day Feelings

71 (63%)
53 (47%)
18 (16%)
Afraid I'll Relapse
22 (19%)
Afraid ED will B discovered
25 (22%)
Happy 2 B with loved 1s
22 (19%)
12 (10%)
Afraid I'll binge
63 (56%)
Afraid I'll purge
39 (35%)
Not attending TG dinner
12 (10%)
Preparing TG dinner
15 (13%)
Attending TG dinner
44 (39%)
In recovery
40 (36%)
Not in recovery
24 (21%)

Votes: 111


What is your experience with socialized medicine and the treatment of your ED/mental illness? US citizen: do you feel a federal based health care system would help or hurt getting the care you need for your ED/mental illness? (choose all that apply)

it's been a great asset
2 (11%)
received all I need
0 (0%)
difficult to get treatment
4 (22%)
had to wait (long)
1 (5%)
had to wait (short)
0 (0%)
refused treatment
3 (16%)
seen in a timely fashion
1 (5%)
US: feel would not be asset
6 (33%)
US: feel would be asset
6 (33%)

Votes: 18


What are your favorite recovery tools?

(choose all that apply)

24 (72%)
Art/ Creative Activities
16 (48%)
Inspirational Quotes
18 (54%)
7 (21%)
Group Meetings
10 (30%)
19 (57%)
Positive Self-Talk
8 (24%)
Supportive Friends
19 (57%)
Supportive Family
9 (27%)
Helping Others
9 (27%)
12 (36%)
11 (33%)
Music (listening)
18 (54%)
Music (performing)
5 (15%)
Recovery Videos
7 (21%)
9 (27%)
Physical Activity (non-obsessive)
11 (33%)
12 (36%)
10 (30%)
3 (9%)

Votes so far: 33

I was exposed to disordered eating behaviors and/or body image issues by... (choose all that apply. BI-body image)
votes 104

55 (52%)

26 (25%)

17 (16%)

5 (4%)

25 (24%)

11 (10%)

15 (14%)

6 (5%)

Close Adult
13 (12%)

53 (50%)

19 (18%)

13 (12%)

Exposed as a Child
54 (51%)

Exposed as a Teen
71 (68%)

Exposed as an Adult
32 (30%)

Continuing Exposure
51 (49%)

To ED behaviors
60 (57%)

To BI Issues
56 (53%)

I have an ED
72 (69%)

I don't have an ED
14 (13%)

I have BI Issues
66 (63%)

I don't have BI issues
5 (4%)

In Recovery
46 (44%)

Not In Recovery
26 (25%)

I am Male
4 (3%)

I am Female
96 (92%)


Do The Seasons Affect Your Eating Disorder? How has the arrival of spring made you feel? (choose all that apply) * please see additional related poll below
votes: 47

Yes, somewhat
12 (25%)
Yes, very much so
18 (38%)
Not that I've noticed
3 (6%)
Not at all
3 (6%)
10 (21%)
For the better
9 (19%)
For the worse
14 (29%)
I feel empowered
3 (6%)
I feel optimistic
9 (19%)
I feel anxious
16 (34%)
I feel renewed
7 (14%)
I feel depressed
15 (31%)
I feel hopeful
12 (25%)
I feel desperate
11 (23%)
I feel stronger
6 (12%)
I feel weaker
11 (23%)
I am bulimic
14 (29%)
15 (31%)
compulsive overeater
8 (17%)
13 (27%)
Combination of EDs
14 (29%)

Which Season Makes You Feel Better/Worse? (choose all that apply)
votes: 43

Best in SPRING
17 (39%)
Best in SUMMER
9 (20%)
Best in FALL
12 (27%)
Best in WINTER
9 (20%)
Worse in SPRING
4 (9%)
Worse in SUMMER
20 (46%)
Worse in FALL
6 (13%)
Worse in Winter
15 (34%)


Have You Used Art Therapy To Aid Your Recovery?
(choose all that apply)
Votes: 57

Yes, in therapy
20 (35%)
Yes, on my own
20 (35%)
It's helped me
26 (45%)
I didn't like it
7 (12%)
I do it regularly
8 (14%)
No, never
10 (17%)
Don't want to try it
4 (7%)
Know someone it helps
6 (10%)
Others' art helps me
9 (15%)
Love it
14 (24%)
I doodle in my journal
22 (38%)
Thinking about trying it
3 (5%)
I find it triggering
6 (10%)
2 (3%)
Yes, recently
14 (24%)
Yes, a long time ago
10 (17%)

Are you doing anything for National Eating Disorders Week, and if so, what are you doing?
(choose all that apply)

votes: 46

Yes 23 (50%)

No 6 (13%)

Undecided 2 (4%)

Uninterested 1 (2%)

Journaling 10 (21%)

Blogging 9 (19%)

Spreading the word 20 (43%)

Educating others 17 (36%)

Educating myself 23 (50%)

A scheduled event 10 (21%)

Helping others 8 (17%)

Working on my recovery 23 (50%)

Taking first step/recovery 2 (4%)

Reaching out for myself 15 (32%)

Reaching out to others 16 (34%)

Sharing my story 15 (32%)

I don't know what to do 10 (21%)

Nothing 2 (4%)


Has writing/journaling helped you in your struggles with your Eating Disorder, or in your recovery?

votes 26

Yes, when I'm struggling
12 (46%)
No, not when I'm struggling
0 (0%)
Sometimes, when I'm struggling
6 (23%)
Yes, with my recovery
7 (26%)
No, not with my recovery
3 (11%)
Sometimes, with my recovery
3 (11%)
I don't write/journal
1 (3%)
Others' writings help me
5 (19%)
I'm interested in reading others writings
7 (26%)

How does the Arrival of a New Year make you feel about recovery and/or your eating disorder?
(choose all that apply):


Hopeful 32 (41%)

Renewed 16 (20%)

Fearful 25 (32%)

Anxious 29 (37%)

Excited 11 (14%)

Angry 8 (10%)

Depressed 22 (28%)

Strengthened 12 (15%)

Ready to try again 22 (28%)

Stressed 21 (27%)

Encouraged 6 (7%)

Pressured 24 (31%)

Inspired 13 (16%)

Despondent 2 (2%)

Proud of my recovery 10 (12%)

Hopeless 14 (18%)

Thrilled 5 (6%)

Nervous 30 (38%)

It has no meaning to me 6 (7%)

I'm not in recovery 11 (14%)

I'm in recovery 17 (22%)

I want to recover 31 (40%)

I don't want to recover 21 (27%)

What Was The Inspiration That Caused You To Seek Recovery From Your ED? (choose all that apply)
votes: 36


My Recovery, One Word At A Time (choose as many words as you feel relate to your ED recovery).
Votes: 26

Joy 8 (30%)
Freedom 11(42%)

Security 3 (11%)

Identity 12 (46%)

Elusive 4 (15%)

Community 4 (15%)

Fear 17 (65%)

Difficult 20 (76%)

Fleeting 3 (11%)

Enduring 3 (11%)

Happy 6 (23%)

Anxiety 14 (53%)

Support 10 (38%)

Affirming 6 (23%)

Effortless 0 (0%)

Failing 12 (46%)

Attempting 12 (46%)

Succeeding 6 (23%)

Desired 15 (57%)

Unwanted 5 (19%)

Renewed 5 (19%)

Unnecessary 2 (7%)

Assisted 4 (15%)

Monitored 5 (19%)

Depressing 10 (38%)

Inspired 7 (26%)

Considering 3 (11%)

Unassisted 2 (7%)

Panic 10 (38%)

Apprehensive 9 (34%)

Scary 15 (57%)

Amazing 12 (46%)


My Eating Disorder, One Word At A Time (choose as many words as you feel fit your views, feelings, and experience, with your ED, excluding recovery).

Votes: 65

43 (66%)
47 (72%)
39 (60%)
42 (64%)
52 (80%)
42 (64%)
44 (67%)
25 (38%)
33 (50%)
47 (72%)
19 (29%)
40 (61%)
24 (36%)
15 (23%)
10 (15%)
22 (33%)
31 (47%)
38 (58%)
21 (32%)
42 (64%)
15 (23%)
15 (23%)
9 (13%)
23 (35%)
22 (33%)
29 (44%)
29 (44%)
50 (76%)
41 (63%)


My (a) child has witnessed me ___. (choose all that apply)
Votes: 35

complain about my weight 31 (88%)

weigh myself several times a day 15 (42%)

eat very little 22 (62%)

vomit/purge 5 (14%)

upset about my appearance due to my weight 27 (77%)

belittle myself because of my weight 25 (71%)

binge/eat compulsively 15 (42%)

hide/horde food 10 (28%)

exercise compulsively 9 (25%)

depressed about my weight/appearance 25 (71%)

avoid activities/functions due to my weight 17 (48%)

obsess about weight loss 23 (65%)

make negative comments about another's weight 10 (28%)

dieting 28 (80%)

cut or injure myself 4 (11%)

lie about what I've eaten 13 (37%)

me struggle with an ED 11 (31%)

recover from an ED 2 (5%)

I have ____ food. (fill in the blank with all that apply)
Votes: 71

hoarded 33 (46%)

hidden 47 (66%)

stolen (food or $ for food) 21 (29%)

secretly thrown away 49 (69%)

purged 41 (57%)

binged 49 (69%)

secretly eaten 50 (70%)

given away, to keep from eating 55 (77%)

severely restricted 53 (74%)

denied eating 47 (66%)

obsessed over 55 (77%)

denied not eating 49 (69%)

felt bad about myself because of 64 (90%)

kept track of other's intake of 46 (64%)

felt bad about someone else because of 29 (40%)

gone days without eating any 29 (40%)

gone days eating very little 58 (81%)

an unhealthy relationship with 55 (77%)

decided the enemy is 36 (50%)

defined myself by my relationship with 46 (64%)

hidden from others my problems with 54 (76%)

a tremendous fear of 42 (59%)

no problems with 2 (2%)

been discriminated against-
because of my relationship with 11 (15%)

isolated because of my relationship with 34 (47%)

felt ashamed because of my relationship with 52 (73%)

I have felt hopeless because of my relationship with 55 (77%)

a healthy relationship with 2 (2%)


Has the portrayal of beauty in the media had an affect on you or a loved one? (Please choose all that apply) *please note that "child" = your child or any child that you know who has let their feelings be known to you.
Votes: 35

I feel unattractive 33 (94%)

I feel fat 33 (94%)

I feel worthless 20 (57%)

I feel angry 20 (57%)

I feel hopeless 21 (60%)

exacerbates my ED 16 (45%

child feels unattractive 4 (11%)

child feels fat 5 (14%)

child feels worthless 2 (5%)

child feels angry 1 (2%)

child feels hopeless 1 (2%)

exacerbates child's ED 2 (5%)

I strive to look like them 18 (51%)

child strives to look like them 3 (8%)

It's positive incentive 3 (8%)

what's the big deal? 2 (5%)


Know Someone With An ED?
Votes: 37

Self 20 (54%)

Spouse 0 (0%)

Adult Family Member 3 (8%)

Teen Family Member 4 (10%)

Child Family Member 1 (2%)

Adult Friend 8 (21%)

Teen Friend 4 (10%)

Child Friend 1 (2%)

I'm not sure 4 (10%)

No 4 (10%)


Body Image Poll: choose as many as apply
votes: 50

I am happy and content with my body 8 (16%)

My body makes me feel unattractive 23 (46%)

I absolutely LOVE my body no matter what 1 (2%)

I cannot imagine myself ever feeling happy with my body 14 (28%)

How I look determines my sense of worth 9 (18%)

I hate my body 11 (22%)

Trying to look perfect has resulted in an ED or other self-destructive behavior 3 (26%)

I'm learning to love myself for who I am, not what I look like 20 (40%)

I am unhappy with my body but I don't let that determine my self-worth 17 (34%)

It's important that I'm thin and beautiful 9 (18%)

I am beautiful just as I am 8 (16%)


What Has Helped Me Recover From My ED:
select all that apply
votes: 27

Journaling / Writing 13 (48%)

Therapy/ Counseling 8 (29%)

Family / Friends 11 (40%)

In-Patient Treatment Center 3 (11%)

Out-Patient Treatment 5 (18%)

Online Recovery Forum(s) 13 (48%)

Other 3 (11%)

I'm Not In Recovery From My ED 7 (25%)

I Don't Want To Recover 6 (22%)


How old were you when you first remember having negative feelings about your body? How do you feel about your body now?

Younger than 7 11 (13%)

8 to 12 years old 38 (48%)

13 to 16 years old 18 (22%)

17 to 21 years old 6 (7%)

22 to 28 years old 2 (2%)

29 to 35 years old 2 (2%)

36 to 42 years old 3 (3%)

43 to 50 years old 1 (1%)

51 to 60 years old 0 (0%)

over 60 years old 0 (0%)

I am content with my body now 4 (5%)

I'm becoming more comfortable with body as I age 16 (20%)

I still do not like my body 44 (55%)


I've Had Or Currently Have:
otes: 29

Anorexia 6 (20%)

Bulimia 7 (24%)

Bulimarexia 5 (17%)

Orthorexia 3 (10%)

Compulsive Overeating 10 (34%)

Binge Eating Disorder 10 (34%)

Drunkarexia 1 (3%)

ED-NOS 2 (6%)

Other not listed 0 (0%)

I suspect I have an ED 7 (24%)

My ED is still active 6 (20%)

I am recovering 3 (10%)

I have fully recovered 1 (3%)

I'm afraid to seek help 7 (24%)

I do not want to recover 3 (10%)


In addition to my ED (please choose ED(s) from list), I also suffer from:
(please choose all that apply)
Votes: 25

Anorexia 12 (48%)

Bulimia 6 (24%)

Bulimarexia 4 (16%)

Orthorexia 2 (8%)

Compulsive Overeating 9 (36%)

Binge Eating Disorder 7 (28%)

Drunkarexia 0 (0%)

EDNOS 4 (16%)

Other ED not listed 0 (0%)

Depression 11 (44%)

Bipolar 2 (8%)

OCD 5 (20%)

ADD/ADHD 2 (8%)

Anxiety Disorder 9 (36%)

Borderline Personality Disorder 1 (4%)

Histrionic Personality Disorder 1 (4%)

Self Injury (cutting, branding, etc) 7 (28%)

Panic Attacks/Disorder 6 (24%)

Alcohol Abuse/Addiction 2 (8%)

Drug Abuse/Addiction 1 (4%)

BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder) 6 (24%)

Schizophrenia 0 (0%)

SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) 5 (20%)

Impulse Control Disorder 2 (8%)

Sleep Disorder 6 (24%)

Other not listed 4 (16%)

Nothing in addition to my ED 2 (8%)


I have an eating disorder:
(select all that apply)
Votes: 50

but no one knows 14 (28%)

friends suspect / I deny 11 (22%)

family suspects/ I deny 14 (28%)

coworkers suspect/I deny 2 (4%)

I've told a family member(s) 17 (34%)

I've told a friend(s) 22 (44%)

I've told my therapist 17 (34%)

only others with an ED know 5

those close to me know 15 (30%)

I'll never tell anyone 8 (16%)

I'm afraid to tell anyone 8 (16%)

I've told anyone that needs to know 9 (18%)

I'm trying to find a way to tell 5 (10%)

I've only admitted to it online 11 (22%)