*If you know of a hotline, website, and/or organization not listed here please leave me the information in the comment section and I'll be glad to add them.
Thank You.
- Anorexia Nervosa and Associate Disorders (ANAD) 1-630- 577-1330
- Boys and girls Town National Hotline: 1-800- 448-3000
- National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) 1-800-931-2237
- Mental Health America: 1-800-969-NMHA
- National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-SUICIDE (784-2433)
- Referrals to Eating Disorder specialists (US and Canada) 1-800-736-3739
- The Eating Distress Helpline (Ireland):011-44-2600366
- Thursday's Child National Call Center for at Risk Youth: 1-800-USA-KIDS
- Youth Crisis Line: 1- 800-HIT-HOME
Resources: (links)
- A Chance To Heal
- Academy For Eating Disorders
- Anorexia Nervosa and Related Eating Disorders, Inc (ANRED)
- Anorexics and Bulimics Anonymous
- Beating Eating Disorders (BEAT)
- Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA)
- Bulimia.com (Publications and Education)
- Eating Disorders Anonymous
- Eating Disorders Association (NI)
- Eating Disorders Awareness and Prevention
- Eating Disorders Coalition (EDC)
- Eating-Disorder.com
- Eating Disorders Foundation Inc (EDF)
- Eating Disorders Recovery Services (EDRS)
- Eating Disorder Recovery.com
- Eating Disorders Recovery Resources Support Network (ED-support.com)
- F.E.A.S.T. (Families Empowered And Supporting Treatment of EDs) / Around The Dinner Table (F.E.A.S.T. Forum)
- Finding Balance (EDNOS)
- Food Addicts Anonymous (FAA)
- Food Addicts In Recovery (FA)
- F.R.E.E.D. Foundation
- Healthy Place.com
- Hope Network
- Mental Health America (MHA)
- MGEDT (Men Get Eating Disorders Too)
- Mirror Mirror Org
- National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders (ANAD)
- National Association for Males with Eating Disorders, Inc. (N.A.M.E.D)
- National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA)
- National Eating Disorder Referral and Information Center
- National Eating Disorder Information Centre (NEDIC)
- Ophelia's Place
- Overeaters Anonymous (OA)
- Something Fishy
- The Body Positive
- The Butterfly Foundation (Australia)
- The Joy Project
UK/Ireland: (some headings are links)
- Anorexia and Bulimia Care: 01462 423351
- beat - beat eating disorders Helpline: 0845 6341414
- Bodywhys: 1890 200 444
- Caraline: 01582 457474
- National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence: 020 7067 5800
- Northern Initiative on Women & Eating:0191 261 7010
- SupportLine: 020 8554 9004
- The Eating Distress Helpline (Ireland): 011-44-2600366
- The International Eating Disorders Centre: 01296 330557
- The National Centre for Eating Disorders (NCFED): 0845 838 2040
- Threshold Women's Mental Health Infoline: 0808 808 6000
- Women and Eating: 0191 261 7010
- Young Minds: 0800 018 2138
- Youth Helpline: 0845 6347650
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