Showing posts with label ED quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ED quotes. Show all posts

Inspirational Recovery Quotes: Choices

 Life's not about expecting, hoping and wishing, it's about doing, being and becoming. It's about the choices you've just made, and the ones you're about to make, it's about the things you choose to say - today. It's about what you're gonna do after you finish reading this.
Mike Dooley

This bright, new day... complete with 24 hours of opportunities, choices, and attitudes… a perfectly matched set of 1440 minutes. This unique gift, this one day, cannot be exchanged, replaced or refunded. Handle with care. Make the most of it. There is only one to a customer.

We cannot change the cards we are dealt, just how we play the hand.
Randy Pausch

The doors we open and close each day decide the lives we live. 
Flora Whittemore

It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.
Joanne Kathleen Rowling

Once you have started seeing the beauty of life, ugliness starts disappearing. If you start looking at life with joy, sadness starts disappearing. You cannot have heaven and hell together, you can have only one. It is your choice.

Every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.
Cameron Crowe

Every morning when I get up, the first thing I decide is: What do I want? Misery? Blissfulness? What am I going to choose today? And it happens that I always choose blissfulness. It is my choice, it is my life.

Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success - or are they holding you back?
W. Clement Stone

You have many choices. You can choose forgiveness over revenge, joy over despair. You can choose action over apathy.
Stephanie Marston

We can try to avoid making choices by doing nothing, but even that is a decision.
Gary Collins

In a minute there is time for decisions and revisions, which a minute will reverse.  
 T.S. Eliot

It's choice--not chance--that determines your destiny.
Jean Nidetch

Destiny is not a matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: it is not to be waited for; it is a thing to be achieved.
W.J. Bryant

You have a choice. Live or die. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be, or not to be.
Chuck Palahniuk

I discovered I always have choices and sometimes it's only a choice of attitude.
Judith M. Knowlton

The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.
H. Norman Schwarzkopf

While we are free to choose our actions, we are not free to choose the consequences of our actions.
Stephen R. Covey

Every thought is a seed. If you plant crab apples, don't count on harvesting Golden Delicious.
Bill Meyer

We must make the choices that enable us to fulfill the deepest capacities of our real selves.
Thomas Merton

There are always two choices. Two paths to take. One is easy. And its only reward is that it's easy.

Decisions become easier when your will to please God outweighs your will to please the world. 
Anso Coetzer

What we call the secret of happiness is no more a secret than our willingness to choose life.
 Leo F. Buscaglia

Remember, there are no mistakes, only lessons. Love yourself, trust your choices, and everything is possible.
Cherie Carter-Scott

 The artist is the only one who knows that the world is a subjective creation, that there is a choice to be made, a selection of elements
Anais Nin

Until a person can say deeply and honestly, "I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday," that person cannot say, "I choose otherwise.”
Stephen R. Covey

In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing. The worst thing you can do is nothing.
Theodore Roosevelt

When you have to make a choice and don't make it, that is in itself a choice.
 William James

Every human has four endowments- self-awareness, conscience, independent will and creative imagination. These give us the ultimate human freedom... the power to choose, to respond, to change.
Stephen R. Covey

Good decisions come from experience, and experience comes from bad decisions. 

When one bases his life on principle, 99 percent of his decisions are already made. 

A true hero is not someone who thinks about doing what is right, but one that simply does what is right without thinking!
Kevin Heath

We can let the circumstances of our lives harden us so that we become increasingly resentful and afraid, or we can let them soften us, and make us kinder. We always have the choice.
Dalai Lama

There is no value in life except what you choose to place upon it and no happiness in any place except what you bring to it yourself.
Henry David Thoreau

Choices are the hinges of destiny. 
Attributed to both Pythagoras and Edwin Markham

If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise.
Robert Fritz

Indecision becomes decision with time. 

To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there.
Kofi Annan

Life is change. Growth is optional. Choose wisely.
Karen Kaiser

You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think.
A Course In Miracles

Do not plant your dreams in the field of indecision, where nothing ever grows but the weeds of "what-if."

Right actions in the future are the best apologies for bad actions in the past.
Tyron Edwards

There are two primary choices in life; to accept conditions as they exist,
or accept the responsibility for changing them.
Denis Waitley

When it snows, you have two choices: shovel or make snow angels.

In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Using the power of decision gives you the capacity to get past any excuse to change any and every part of your life in an instant. 
Anthony Robbins

We must all suffer from one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.
Jim Rohn

There comes a time in the spiritual journey when you start making choices from a very different place. And if a choice lines up so that it supports truth, health, happiness, wisdom and love, it’s the right choice.
Angeles Arrien

... everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms … to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.
Viktor Frankl

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: September 18th, 2010

It will never rain roses. When we want to have more roses, we must plant more roses.
George Eliot

*See sidebar menu for more Recovery Quotes of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: September 9, 2010

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more in life there is to celebrate.
Oprah Winfrey

*See sidebar menus for more Recovery Quotes Of The Week, and Inspirational Recovery Quotes

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: August 28th, 2010

Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures.
H. Jackson Brown Jr. 

*See sidebar for more Recovery Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: August 18, 2010

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to the know the difference.
Reinhold Niebuhr
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See sidebar menu for more Recovery Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: July 8th, 2010

You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be.
Lou Holtz

*See side bar menu for more Recovery Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: March 26th 2010

All that is required now is that you continue to till the soil of your soul. Just as you would not neglect seeds that you planted with the hope that they will bear vegetables and fruit and flowers, so you must attend to and nourish the garden of your becoming.
Jean Houston

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: March 11, 2010

The light of starry dreams can only be seen once we escape the blinding cities of disbelief.
Shawn Purvis

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Eating Disorder Recovery Quotes: The Hope And The Fight

In order to get from what was to what will be, you must go through what is.

Why shed tears on failures long forgotten when hope looms on the horizon?
~Charles Casha

When the heart is enlivened again, it feels like the sun coming out after a week of rainy days. There is hope in the heart that chases the clouds away. Hope is a higher heart frequency and as you begin to reconnect with your heart, hope is waiting to show you new possibilities and arrest the downward spiral of grief and loneliness. It becomes a matter of how soon you want the sun to shine. Listening to the still, small voice in your heart will make hope into a reality.
~Sara Paddison

One of the most difficult things everyone has to learn is that for your entire life you must keep fighting and adjusting if you hope to survive. No matter who you are or what your position is you must keep fighting for whatever it is you desire to achieve.
~George Allen

Lost causes are the only ones worth fighting for.
~Clarence Darrow

 But there is suffering in life, and there are defeats. No one can avoid them. But it's better to lose some of the battles in the struggles for your dreams than to be defeated without ever knowing what you're fighting for.
~ Paulo Coelho

When you do nothing, you feel overwhelmed and powerless. But when you get involved, you feel the sense of hope and accomplishment that comes from knowing you are working to make things better.
~Pauline R. Kezer

We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.
~Oscar Wilde

You've gotta have hope. Without hope life is meaningless. Without hope life is meaning less and less.
~ Unknown

To be nobody but yourself in a world that's doing its best to make you somebody else, is to fight the hardest battle you are ever going to fight. Never stop fighting.
~ E. E. Cummings

Patience and perseverance surmount every difficulty.

What oxygen is to the lungs, such is hope to the meaning of life.
~Emil Brunne

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle. ~ Plato

 Your hopes, dreams and aspirations are legitimate. They are trying to take you airborne, above the clouds, above the storms, if you only let them.
~William James

When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."

Kind words, kind looks, kind acts and warm handshakes, these are means of grace when men in trouble are fighting their unseen battles.
~ John Hall

We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope. ~Martin Luther King, Jr

 Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never destroys it.
~ Eliza Tabor

Victory is always possible for the person who refuses to stop fighting.
~Napoleon Hill

Nothing worth having in life was ever gained easily.

Better to fight for something than live for nothing.
~George S. Patton Jr.

That is the whole secret of successful fighting. Get your enemy at a disadvantage; and never, on any account, fight him on equal terms.
~George Bernard Shaw

You cannot love a thing without wanting to fight for it.
~Gilbert Keith Chesterton

When you're in the battlefield, survival is all there is.
~Sam Fuller

There is a land of the living and a land of the dead and the bridge is love, the only survival, the only meaning.
~ Thornton Wilder

Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.
~Richard L. Evans

Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air, but only for one second without hope.

Once you choose hope, anything's possible.
~Christopher Reeve

A lost battle is a battle one thinks one has lost.
~Jean-Paul Sartre

The Grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.
~Allan K. Chalmers

Don’t be afraid to take a big step if one is indicated. You can’t cross a chasm in two small jumps. ~ David Lloyd George

What we do not see, what most of us never suspect of existing, is the silent but irresistible power which comes to the rescue of those who fight on in the face of discouragement.
~Napoleon Hill

The natural flights of the human mind are not from pleasure to pleasure but from hope to hope.
~Samuel Johnson

When you are down on your back, if you can look up, you can get up.
~Les Brown

You cannot solve a problem until you acknowledge that you have one and accept responsibility for solving it.
~Zig Ziglar

The very least you can do in your life is to figure out what you hope for. And the most you can do is live inside that hope.
~Barbara Kingsolve

In the confrontation between the stream and the rock, the stream always wins- not through strength but by perseverance.
~H. Jackson Brown

The only real failure in life is the failure to try.

There is no medicine like hope, no incentive so great, and no tonic so powerful as expectation of something better tomorrow.
~Orison Swett Marden

The only real failure in life is one not learned from.
~Anthony J. D'Angelo

Those who wish to sing always find a song.

There is no failure except in no longer trying.
~Elbert Hubbard

Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no help at all.
~Dale Carnegie

I count him braver who overcomes his desires than him who conquers his enemies; for the hardest victory is over self.

Try Again.
Fail Better.
~Samuel Beckett

We acquire the strength we have overcome.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Consider the postage stamp; its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing until it gets there.
~Josh Billings

On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today, or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.
  ~Friedrich Nietzsche

Defeat is simply a signal to press onward.
~Helen Keller

How long should you try? Until.
~Jim Rohn

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: February 19th, 2010

"Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen." ~Winston Churchill

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: February 10th 2010

"When the world says, 'give up,' hope whispers, 'try it one more time."
Author Unknown

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: January 30th, 2010

Mistakes are merely steps up the ladder.
Paul J. Meyer

*See sidebar for more quotes of the week and inspirational recovery quotes.

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Eating Disorder Recovery Quotes To Welcome In The New Year

I'm not beautiful like you. I'm beautiful like me.

One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocks.
Jack Penn

Everyone who got where he is has had to begin where he was.
Robert Louis Stevenson

Tomorrow is always fresh, with no mistakes in it.
Lucy Maud Montgomery

We're still not where we're going, but we're not where we were.
Natash Jasefowitz

Success is a state of mind. If you want success, start thinking of yourself as a success.
Dr. Joyce Brothers

We must be willing to let go of the life we have planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.
E.M. Forster

The world is round, and the place which may seem like the end may also be only the beginning.
Ivy Baker

Life's problems wouldn't be called "hurdles" if there wasn't a way to get over them.

Don't be discouraged. It's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.

Whenever you see darkness, there is extraordinary opportunity for the light to burn brighter.

Once I started seeing through the eyes of my heart, instead of a socially conditioned lens, things started to transform dramatically.
Jonathan Mead

Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire.
Arnold H. Glasow

For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ And whenever the answer has been ‘No’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.
Steve Jobs

If one dream should fall and break into a thousand pieces, never be afraid to pick one of those pieces up and begin again.
Flavia Weedn

There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.
Beverly Sills

A dead end is just an opportunity to take a different direction.
Terry McManus

You must take personal responsibility. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.
Jim Rohn

All of us have at least one great voice deep inside. People are products of their environment. A lucky few are born into situations in which positive messages abound. Others grow up hearing messages of fear and failure, which they must block out so the positive can be heard. But the positive and courageous voice will always emerge, somewhere, sometime, for all of us. Listen for it, and your breakthroughs will come.
Pat Riley

When the world says, "Give up," Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."

The question isn't who is going to let me; it's who is going to stop me.
Ayn Rand

The rung of a ladder was never meant to rest upon, but only to hold a man's foot long enough to enable him to put the other somewhat higher.
Thomas Henry

The best angle from which to approach any problem is the try-angle.

There will be a time when you believe everything is finished. That will be the beginning.
Louis L'Amour

The distance is nothing; it is only the first step that is difficult.
Marie de Vichy-Chamrond

Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start now and make a brand new ending.
Carl Bard

The road leading to a goal does not separate you from the destination; it is essentially a part of it.
Charles DeLint

Sometimes the path you're on is not as important as the direction you're heading.
Kevin Smith

Faith sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.

Optimism is a cheerful frame of mind that enables a tea kettle to sing though it's in hot water up to its nose.

Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tunes without the words and never stops at all.
Emily Dickinson

It is easier to go down a hill than up, but the view is best from the top.
Arnold Bennett

On the road to life there are many paths... some twist, some turn, some dip, some curve. As long as you keep your focus, your destination is obtainable.
Brenda Good

The highest reward for a man's toil is not what he gets for it, but what he becomes by it.
John Ruskin

Turn your face to the sun, and the shadows fall behind you.
Maori Proverb

Resolve to be thyself; and know that he who finds himself loses his misery.
Matthew Arnold

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and conveniences, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

I love living. I have some problems with my life, but living is the best thing they've come up with so far.
Neil Simon

Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.

If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau

Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
Sarah Williams

To dream, big beautiful dreams, is to realize the dawn of our limitless horizons beaming within the depths of our eternal souls to the heights of our infinite spirit.
Song Park

Great occasions do not make heroes or cowards; they simply unveil them to the eyes of men. Silently and imperceptibly, as we wake or sleep, we grow stong or weak; and at last some crisis shows what we have become.
Brooke Foss Westcott

There is nothing so useless as doing efficiently that which should not be done at all.
Peter Drucker

If you look closely enough, amid the merciless and the bitter, there is always the chance that you may find comfort and the promise of something good.
Bob Greene

When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.
Anthony J. D'Angelo

All glory comes from daring to begin.
Eugene F. Ware

Everyone's a star and deserves the right to twinkle.
Marilyn Monroe

Out of the strain of the doing,
Into the peace of the done.
Julia Woodruff

No river can return to its source, yet all rivers must have a beginning.

You may have a fresh start any moment you choose for this thing we call 'failure' is not the falling down, but the staying down.
Mary Pickford

When there is a start to be made, don't step over! Start where you are."
Edgar Cayce

When I was a Boy Scout, we played a game when new Scouts joined the troop. We lined up chairs in a pattern, creating an obstacle course through which the new Scouts, blindfolded, were supposed to maneuver. The Scoutmaster gave them a few moments to study the pattern before our adventure began. But as soon as the victims were blindfolded, the rest of us quietly removed the chairs. I think life is like this game. Perhaps we spend our lives avoiding obstacles we have created for ourselves and in reality exist only in our minds. We're afraid to apply for that job, take violin lessons, learn a foreign language, call an old friend, write our Congressman - whatever it is that we would really like to do but don't because of personal obstacles. Don't avoid any chairs until you run smack into one. And if you do, at least you'll have a place to sit down.
Pierce Vincent Eckhart

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: December 22nd, 2009

Kindness is like snow~ it beautifies everything it covers.
Author Unknown

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: December 5th, 2009

If the wind will not serve, take the oars.
~Latin Proverb

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: November 25, 2009

Don't Quit
by: unknown

Poem in full:
When things go wrong as they sometimes will;
When the road you're trudging seems all uphill;
When the funds are low, and the debts are high
And you want to smile, but have to sigh;
When care is pressing you down a bit-
Rest if you must, but do not quit.

Success is failure turned inside out;
The silver tint of the clouds of doubt;
And you can never tell how close you are
It may be near when it seems so far;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit-
It's when things go wrong that you must not quit.

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Eating Disorder Recovery Quotes: Giving Thanks

Life can be hard. Some days are more difficult than others. Often we are so caught up in all that is wrong with our lives, so focused on the struggle, that we forget to be thankful for the good ... no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. In keeping with the holiday of Thanksgiving, here are some quotes to remind us of how important it is to focus on the positive. How important it is to celebrate and be thankful for what is right in our lives.

Happy Thanksgiving!

“Real life isn’t always going to be perfect or go our way, but the recurring acknowledgment of what is working in our lives can help us not only to survive but surmount our difficulties.”
Sarah Ban Breathnach

“Whatever our individual troubles and challenges may be, it’s important to pause every now and then to appreciate all that we have, on every level. We need to literally “count our blessings,” give thanks for them, allow ourselves to enjoy them, and relish the experience of prosperity we already have.”
Shakti Gawain

“Find the good and praise it.”
Alex Haley

“Take full account of the excellencies which you possess, and in gratitude remember how you would hanker after them, if you had them not.”
Marcus Aurelius

"We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. "
Thornton Wilder

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
Albert Einstein

“You simply will not be the same person two months from now after consciously giving thanks each day for the abundance that exists in your life. And you will have set in motion an ancient spiritual law: the more you have and are grateful for, the more will be given you.”
Sarah Ban Breathnach

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.”
William Arthur Ward

“I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.”
G. K. Chesterton

"Praise the bridge that carried you over."
George Colman

“Both abundance and lack exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend… when we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present — love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature and personal pursuits that bring us pleasure — the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience Heaven on earth.”
Sarah Ban Breathnach

“When you arise in the morning, give thanks for the morning light, for your life and strength. Give thanks for your food, and the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies with yourself.”
Tecumseh Shawnee Chief

“Sometimes our light goes out but is blown into flame by another human being. Each of us owes deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this light.”
Albert Schweitzer

“The person with a fixed goal, a clear picture of his desire, or an ideal always before him, causes it, through repetition, to be buried deeply in his subconscious mind and is thus enabled, thanks to its generative and sustaining power, to realize his goal in a minimum of time and with a minimum of physical effort. Just pursue the thought unceasingly. Step by step you will achieve realization, for all your faculties and powers become directed to that end.”
Claude M. Bristol

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

“Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.”
Brian Tracy

“Never neglect the little things. Never skimp on that extra effort, that additional few minutes, that soft word of praise or thanks, that delivery of the very best that you can do. It does not matter what others think, it is of prime importance, however, what you think about you. You can never do your best, which should always be your trademark, if you are cutting corners and shirking responsibilities. You are special. Act it. Never neglect the little things.”
Og Mandino

“When we become more fully aware that our success is due in large measure to the loyalty, helpfulness, and encouragement we have received from others, our desire grows to pass on similar gifts. Gratitude spurs us on to prove ourselves worthy of what others have done for us. The spirit of gratitude is a powerful energizer.”
Wilferd A. Peterson

"If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily."
Gerald Good

"The unthankful heart... discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!"
Henry Ward Beecher

“He who thanks but with the lips Thanks but in part; The full, the true Thanksgiving Comes from the heart”

"If you count all your assets, you always show a profit."
Robert Quillen

"Grace isn't a little prayer you chant before receiving a meal. It's a way to live."
Jacqueline Winspear

“There is a calmness to a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy.”
Ralph H. Blum

“I will give thanks to thee for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Thy works, and my soul knows it very well.”
Bible quotes

"There is not a more pleasing exercise of the mind than gratitude. It is accompanied with such an inward satisfaction that the duty is sufficiently rewarded by the performance."
Joseph Addison

"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings."
Eric Hoffer

"To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant, to enact gratitude is generous and noble, but to live gratitude is to touch Heaven."
Johannes A. Gaertner

“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.”
Denis Waitley

”The best way to pay for a lovely moment is to enjoy it.”
Richard Bach

"The only people with whom you should try to get even are those who have helped you."
John E. Southard

“Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.”
Marcel Proust

"He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has."

“What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it-would you be likely to give them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have.”
Ralph Marston

"A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all the other virtues."

“Gratitude is a vaccine, an antitoxin, and an antiseptic.”
John Henry Jowett

“Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has plenty; not on your past misfortunes of which all men have some.”
Charles Dickens

*Please see sidebar menus for more recovery quotes and quotes of the week.

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: June 18th, 2009

"When you're at peace with yourself and love your self, it is virtually impossible to do things to yourself that are destructive."
Wayne Dyer

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: June 7th, 2009

"Take the first step, and your mind will mobilize all it's forces to your aid. But the first essential is that you begin. Once the battle is startled, all that is within and without you will come to your assistance." Robert Collier

*Please see sidebar for more Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.


Recovery Quote Of The Week: April 11th 2009

"Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience."
Ralf Waldo Emerson

See sidebar for additional recovery quotes.