What is an eating disorder?
eating disorder
Function: noun
: any of several psychological disorders (as anorexia nervosa or bulimia) characterized by serious disturbances of eating behavior
Eating disorders involve extreme behaviors, attitudes, and feelings surrounding food, weight, and body image which are harmful to a person's health and well-being.
Eating disorders are dangerous and can be fatal.
Though someone may be suffering from one eating disorder, they may also exhibit behaviors /traits of other eating disorders (or trade one eating disorder for another).
Below are some of the signs, symptoms, and red flags:
- refusal to eat
- intense fear of gaining weight
- distorted or negative self-image
- low blood pressure
- dry skin
- lanugo (soft, downy hair covering the body)
- sensitivity to cold
- fainting/dizziness
- irregular heart rhythm
- brittle nails
- dehydration
- hair loss/brittleness
- loss of menstruation
- swelling of arms/legs
- social withdrawal
- depressed mood
- denial of hunger
- irritability
- hair loss
- osteoporosis
- osteopenia
- heart failure
- reduced interest in sex
- excessive exercise
- repeated weighing of self
- cooking for others but doesn't eat the meal themselves
- spitting food out after chewing
- rigid food rituals (cutting into tiny pieces, moving food around plate,etc)
- complains of being fat
- skipping meals
- not wanting to eat in public
- obsession with calories
- constipation
- fatigue
- arthritis
- insomnia
- easily bruises
- dramatic weight loss/relatively short period of time
- food restriction/self-starvation
- malnutrition
- electrolyte imbalances
- muscle atrophy
- paralysis transient (or temporary)
- kidney disease/failure
- stroke
- secretive/excessive eating
- inappropriate methods of weight control
- repeated episodes of binging/purging
- self-induced vomiting
- diuretic abuse
- frequent dieting
- laxative abuse
- obsessive exercise
- obsession with weight
- guilt/shame after eating
- lack of control over eating
- hiding food
- eating to the point of discomfort
- rarely eats normal meals
- use of bathroom after meals
- eating unusual large amounts of food
- callouses or scars on knuckles/hands (sticking fingers down throat)
- frequent soar throat
- frequent weight fluctuation
- not underweight
- puffy cheeks (caused by vomiting)
- tooth decay/discolored teeth
- hair loss
- swelling of hands/feet
- tearing of esophagus
- broken blood vessels/eyes
- weakness
- dizziness
- arthritis
- osteoporosis
- osteopenia
- ruptured stomach
- acid reflux
- ulcers
- easily bruises
- loss of menstruation
- bloating
- abdominal pain
- low self-esteem/body image
- malnutrition
- electrolyte imbalances
- muscle atrophy
- paralysis transient (or temporary)
- kidney disease/failure
- stroke
Compulsive Overeating/Binge Eating Disorder
- eating uncontrollably
- eating large amounts of food (in short period of time)
- emotional eating
- eating rapidly
- eating when full
- feeling frenzied/out of control
- feeling guilt/shame after eating
- fear of not being able to control eating
- fear of not being able to stop eating once started
- fear of eating around others
- isolation
- social withdrawal
- weight gain/obesity
- weight fluctuations
- shortness of breath (even with light activity)
- low self-esteem
- low body image
- excessive sweating
- high blood pressure
- insomnia
- abdominal pain
- leg/joint pain
- mood swings
- depression
- fatigue
- chronic dieting
- secretive eating
- hiding food
- feeling food is your only friend
- malnutrition
- electrolyte imbalances
- kidney disease/failure
- stroke
For more information:
- Anorexia
- Bulimia
- Compulsive Overeating/Binge Eating Disorder
- Bulimarexia
- Orthorexia
- Diabulimia
- Selective Eating Disorder
Find Help:
- Eating Disorder Help: Hotlines, Websites, Organizations
- Males with Eating Disorders: Information, Hotlines, Websites, Organizations
- Seeking Diagnosis
Do You Have An Eating Disorder?
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