Showing posts with label EDNOS quotes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label EDNOS quotes. Show all posts

Recovery Quote Of The Week: January 9th, 2010

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. ~Buddha

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Eating Disorder Recovery Quotes: Forgiveness

Whether it's the wrongs we have done (to others or ourselves), or the wrongs that others have committed against us, forgiveness is necessary in order to move forward with our lives, to be happy, and to recover.

Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. It's not a magic eraser, or a way to excuse or justify offending behavior (or to allow it to continue). It's a way of letting go of our anger, resentment, embarrassment, and pain. It empowers us, allowing us to regain peace and begin healing.

Forgiveness isn't always easy. It's usually very challenging. It takes practice, just like any other worthwhile skill.

Many people are afraid to forgive because they feel they must remember the wrong or they will not learn from it. The opposite is true. Through forgiveness, the wrong is released from its emotional stranglehold on us so that we can learn from it. Through the power and intelligence of the heart, the release of forgiveness brings expanded intelligence to work with the situation more effectively.
~David McArthur & Bruce McArthur

When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.

~Catherine Ponder

Forgiveness is giving up the possibility of a better past.

Forgive or Relive.


It is very easy to forgive others their mistakes; it takes more grit and gumption to forgive them for having witnessed your own.
~Jessamyn West

To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.
~Lewis B. Smedes

We achieve inner health only through forgiveness - the forgiveness not only of others but also of ourselves.
~ Joshua Loth Liebman

Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it.
~Mark Twain

There is no love without forgiveness, and there is no forgiveness without love.
~Bryant H. McGill

To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.
~Robert Muller

Sincere forgiveness isn't colored with expectations that the other person apologize or change. Don't worry whether or not they finally understand you. Love them and release them. Life feeds back truth to people in its own way and time.
~Sara Paddison

Always forgive your enemies - nothing annoys them so much.
~Oscar Wilde

When a deep injury is done us, we never recover until we forgive.
~Alan Paton

Life is an adventure in forgiveness.
~Norman Cousins

Forgiveness is the giving, and so the receiving, of life.
~George MacDonald

Forgiveness is the economy of the heart... forgiveness saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits.
~Hannah Moore

People find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than for being right.
~JK Rowling

Most of us can forgive and forget; we just don't want the other person to forget that we forgave.
~Ivern Ball

Forgiveness means that you've decided not to let it keep festering inside even if it only comes up once in awhile.
~Doc Childre and Howard Martin

Never forget the three powerful resources you always have available to you: love, prayer, and forgiveness.
~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.
~Paul Boese

Forgiveness means letting go of the past.
~Gerald Jampolsky

Without forgiveness, there's no future.
~Desmond Tutu

True forgiveness is not an action after the fact, it is an attitude with which you enter each moment.
~David Ridge

Forgiveness is a funny thing. It warms the heart and cools the sting.
~William Arthur Ward

We are full of weakness and errors; let us mutually pardon each other our follies.

makes us smaller, while forgiveness forces you to grow beyond what you were.
~Cherie Carter Scott

He who cannot forgive breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass.
~George Herbert

Resentment is like a glass of poison that a man drinks; then he sits down and waits for his enemy to die.
~George Herbert

Forgiveness is me giving up my right to hurt you for hurting me.

Never does the human soul appear so strong as when it forgoes revenge, and dares forgive an injury.
~E. H. Chapin

Forgiveness is choosing to love. It is the first skill of self-giving love.
~Mahatma Gandhi

Forgiveness is a virtue of the brave.
~Indira Gandhi

The ineffable joy of forgiving and being forgiven forms an ecstasy that might well arouse the envy of the gods.
~Elbert Hubbard

*more Recovery Quotes and Quotes of the Week can be found in the sidebar drop down menus.

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: December 5th, 2009

If the wind will not serve, take the oars.
~Latin Proverb

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Recovery Quote Of The Week: July 10, 2009

"Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence." Lin Yutang

*See sidebar for more Recovery Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.


Recovery Quote Of The Week: June 7th, 2009

"Take the first step, and your mind will mobilize all it's forces to your aid. But the first essential is that you begin. Once the battle is startled, all that is within and without you will come to your assistance." Robert Collier

*Please see sidebar for more Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.


Recovery Quote Of The Week: May 31st 2009

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."
Robert Collier


Eating Disorders Inspirational Recovery Quotes: Believing In Yourself

Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.
Dr. David Schwartz

Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions and determine to pay the price of a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast...and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential.

When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.
African Proverb

It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.
Edmund Hillary

The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart - this you will build your life by, and this you will become.
James Allen

Spirit can walk, spirit can swim, spirit can climb, spirit can crawl. There is no terrain you cannot overcome.
Irisa Hail

If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.
Mary Pickford

Nothing happens by itself... it all will come your way, once you understand that you have to make it come your way, by your own exertions.
Ben Stein

Prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer.
Ernest Holmes

Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance.
Bruce Barton

What a fool, quoth he, am I, thus to lie in a stinking dungeon, when I may as well walk at liberty! I have a key in my bosom, called Promise, that will, I am persuaded, open any lock in Doubting Castle.
John Bunyan

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
Anaïs Nin

If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price.
Author Unknown

I've spent most of my life walking under that hovering cloud, jealousy, whose acid raindrops blurred my vision and burned holes in my heart. Once I learned to use the umbrella of confidence, the skies cleared up for me and the sunshine called joy became my faithful companion.
Astrid Alauda

It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.
Sally Field

A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.
David Brinkley

We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies.
Roderick Thorp

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.
Michael Jordan

The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years. Most people believe that aging is universal but there are biological organisms that never age.
Deepak Chopra

In the long run the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
Daniel L. Reardon

When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.
Edward Teller

Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.
Author Unknown

It's not what you go through that defines you; you can't help that. It's what you do AFTER you've gone through it that really tests who you are.
Kwame Floyd

Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.
Benjamin Spock

Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
Veronica A. Shoffstall

It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to.
W.C. Fields

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe.
Mark Victor Hansen

To succeed, we must first believe that we can.
Michael Korda

You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can't have it.
Robert Anthony

Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Your problem is you're... too busy holding onto your unworthiness.
Ram Dass

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
Norman Vincent Peale

The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.
Sonya Friedman

In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.
Michael Korda

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.

The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.
Frank Lloyd Wright

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.
Mary Kay Ash

Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around.
Henry David Thoreau

Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.
Les Brown

It's me who is my enemy
Me who beats me up
Me who makes the monsters
Me who strips my confidence.
Paula Cole

Some things have to be believed to be seen.
Ralph Hodgson

Put your future in good hands - your own.
Author Unknown

The things we hate about ourselves aren't more real than things we like about ourselves.
Ellen Goodman

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
Anatole France

The turning point, I think, was when I really realized that you can do it yourself. That you have to believe in you because sometimes that's the only person that does believe in your success ...
Tim Blixseth

Our ordinary mind always tries to persuade us that we are nothing but acorns and that our greatest happiness will be to become bigger, fatter, shinier acorns; but that is of interest only to pigs. Our faith gives us knowledge of something better: that we can become oak trees.
E.F. Schumacher

Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.
Peter T. Mcintyre

Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.
Mark Victor Hansen

Of all our infirmities, the most savage is to despise our being.
Michel de Montaigne

Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.
Mary Kay Ash

I am not a has-been. I am a will be.
Lauren Bacall

It is easier to believe than to doubt.
Everett D. Martin

The courage to be is the courage to accept oneself, in spite of being unacceptable.
Paul Tillich

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.
Gail Devers

Only as high as I reach can I grow,
Only as far as I seek can I go,
Only as deep as I look can I see,
Only as much as I dream can I be.
Karen Ravn

I just try to be the best I can be and hope that is the best ever.
Tiger Woods

Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
Mary Kay Ash

Never dull your shine for somebody else.
Tyra Banks

Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt. William Shakespeare

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.
Dr. Seuss

*more Recovery Quotes and Quotes of the Week can be found in the sidebar drop down menus.


Recovery Quote Of The Week: May 23rd, 2009

"The best way out is always through."
Robert Frost

*Please see sidebar menu for more Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.

drawing by: Frits Ahlefeldt

Recovery Quote Of The Week: May 13th, 2009

"The time is always right to do what is right."
Martin Luther King, Jr.

*Please see sidebar menu for more Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.

Recovery Quote Of The Week: May 4th, 2009

"Do not let your fire got out, spark by irreplaceable spark, in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not-quite, the not-yet, the not-at-all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish, in lonely frustration of the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle."
Ayn Rand

*Please see sidebar menu for more Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.

Self-Worth Quotes: Eating Disorders Recovery

"You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserves your love & affection."

"Self-worth comes from one thing ... thinking that you are worthy."
Wayne Dyer

"A person's worth is contingent upon who he is, not upon what he does, or how much he has. The worth of a person, or a thing, or an idea, is in being, not in doing, not in having."
Alice Mary Hilton

"Accept everything about yourself, I mean everything. You are you and that is the beginning and the end, no apologies, no regrets."
Clark Moustakas

"The investments we make in ourselves, will always deliver the most profitable returns."
Sumner Davenport

"The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others."
Dr. Sonya Friedman

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself."
Harvey Fienstein

“When you're a beautiful person on the inside, there is nothing in the world that can change that about you. Jealousy is the result of one's lack of self-confidence, self-worth, and self-acceptance. The Lesson: If you can't accept yourself, then certainly no one else will.”
Sasha Azevedo

"It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes."
Sally Field

"When you understand that your self-worth is not determined by your net-worth, then you'll have financial freedom"
Suze Orman

"The greatest success is successful self-acceptance."
Ben Sweet

“Envy is a symptom of lack of appreciation of our own uniqueness and self worth. Each of us has something to give that no one else has.”
Elizabeth O'Connor

"As long as we look outside of Self - with a capital S - to find out who we are, to define ourselves and give us self-worth, we are setting ourselves up to be victims."
Robert Burney

"Every individual has a place to fill in the world, and is important, in some respect, whether he chooses to be so or not."
Nathaniel Hawthorn

“When your self-worth goes up, your net worth goes up with it.”
Mark Victor Hanson

"When it looks like everyone is against you, look inside for the truth."
Sumner Davenport

“The promises of this world are, for the most part, vain phantoms; and to confide in one's self, and become something of worth and value is the best and safest course.”

"If I am not for myself, who will be?"
Pirke Avoth

"Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality."
Les Brown

"Nurture your mind with great thoughts, for you will never go any higher than you think."
Benjamin Disraeli

"We never know the worth of water until the well is dry."
Thomas Fuller

"Accept yourself as you are right now; an imperfect, changing, growing and worthy person."
Denis Waitley

“Who I am today is a constant reminder of what I took from my past challenges.”
Godsway Sappor

"Don't compromise yourself. You are all you've got."
Janis Joplin

"An individual's self-concept is the core of his personality. It affects every aspect of human behavior: the ability to learn, the capacity to grow and change. A strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success in life."
Dr. Joyce Brothers

"There's only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. So you have to begin there, not outside, not on other people."
Aldous Huxley

"After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and you learn that love doesn't mean security and you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts and presents aren't promises you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes open, with the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child and you learn to build your roads on today because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight after a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much so, you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone else to bring you flowers and you learn you really can endure that you really are strong you really do have worth and you learn and you learn with every good-bye you learn."

More on Self-Worth:

Self-Worth: The Unconditional Love Of Self

Self- Love Quotes
Using Affirmations

*See sidebar menus for more Inspirational Recovery Quotes and Quotes Of The Week


Recovery Quote Of The Week: April 28th, 2009

"Try. Fail. Try again. Fail better."
Samuel Beckett

*See sidebar menus for more Recovery Quotes and Quotes of The Week.


Recovery Quote Of The Week: April 19th, 2009

"I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way~ things I had no words for."
Georgia O'Keeffe

See also:
The Use Of Art Therapy In The Treatment Of Eating Disorders

Eating Disorders And Art Therapy

*See sidebar for more Inspirational Recovery Quotes and Quotes Of The Week.

Inspirational Eating Disorder Recovery Quotes: Self-Love

The finest thing in the world is knowing how to belong to oneself.
Michel de Montaigne

When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.
African Proverb

It is often hard to bear the tears that we ourselves have caused.
Marcel Proust

Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.
Les Brown

The words "I am" are potent words; be careful what you hitch them to. The thing you're claiming has a way of reaching back and claiming you.
A.L. Kitselman

If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price.
Author Unknown

Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance.
Bruce Barton

Self-love depressed becomes self-loathing.
Sally Kempton

I took a deep breath and listened to the old bray of my heart. I am. I am. I am.
Sylvia Plath

It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.
Sally Field

At this very moment, you may be saying to yourself that you have any number of admirable qualities. You are a loyal friend, a caring person, someone who is smart, dependable, fun to be around. That's wonderful, and I'm happy for you, but let me ask you this: are you being any of those things to yourself?
Phillip C. McGraw

A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.
David Brinkley

We are all primary numbers divisible only by ourselves.
Jean Guitton

Self-love is the instrument of our preservation.

Love yourself unconditionally, just as you love those closest to you despite their faults.
Les Brown

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.
Author Unknown

We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies.
Roderick Thorp

It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to.
W.C. Fields

Self-love is the greatest of all flatterers.
La Rochefoucauld

We do not deal much in facts when we are contemplating ourselves.
Mark Twain

The more you like yourself, the less you are like anyone else, which makes you unique.
Walt Disney

Man is never alone. Acknowledged or unacknowledged, that which dreams through him is always there to support him from within.
Laurence van der Post

If you hear a voice within you say "you cannot paint," then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.
Vincent Van Gogh

If we really love ourselves, everything in our life works.
Louise L.Hay

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Success comes in cans, not cant's.
Author Unknown

It is not love that should be depicted as blind, but self-love.

I was right not to be afraid of any thief but myself, who will end by leaving me nothing.
Katherine Anne Porter

Put your future in good hands - your own.
Author Unknown

The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want.
Margaret Young

The outward man is the swinging door; the inner man is the still hinge.

I think the reward for conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself.”"
Rita Mae Brown

The promises of this world are, for the most part, vain phantoms; and to confide in one's self, and become something of worth and value is the best and safest course.

Only you can set you free.
Living Colour

Of all our infirmities, the most savage is to despise our being.
Michel de Montaigne

What other dungeon is so dark as one's own heart! What jailer so inexorable as one's self.
Nathaniel Hawthorne

I am not a has-been. I am a will be.
Lauren Bacall

Self is the only prison that can ever bind the soul.
Henry Van Dyke

Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.
Peter T. Mcintyre

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
Anaïs Nin

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.
Michael Jordan

It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.
Edmund Hillary

You will always have to live with yourself, and it is to your best interest to see that you have good company -- a clean, pure, straight, honest, upright, generous, magnanimous companion.
Orison Swett Marden

Our credulity is greatest concerning the things we know least about. And since we know least about ourselves, we are ready to believe all that is said about us. Hence the mysterious power of both flattery and calumny.
Eric Hoffer

When the grass looks greener on the other side of the fence, it may be that they take better care of it there.
Cecil Selig

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.
Dr. Seuss

Spirit can walk, spirit can swim, spirit can climb, spirit can crawl. There is no terrain you cannot
Irisa Hail

Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light. Above all things reverence thyself.

Your problem is you're... too busy holding onto your unworthiness.
Ram Dass

Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
Veronica A. Shoffstall

Know that you are your greatest enemy, but also your greatest friend.
Jeremy Taylor

The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.
Sonya Friedman

Only as high as I reach can I grow,
Only as far as I seek can I go,
Only as deep as I look can I see,
Only as much as I dream can I be.
Karen Ravn

I celebrate myself, and sing myself.
Walt Whitman

The only kind of dignity which is genuine is that which is not diminished by the indifference of others.
Dag Hammarskjold

Love yourself instead of abusing yourself.
Karolina Kurkova

I feel my body, my mind, weighted down - all is heavy - but my blood, my inner fire, my passion, the little unburdened kid in me, patiently wait to burst free. Some of us die never having burst.
Drew Sirtors

You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.

Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart. And try to love the questions themselves.
Rainer Maria Rilke

Where there is great love there are always miracles.
Willa Cather

Resolve to be thyself: and know, that he who finds himself, loses his misery.
Mathew Arnold

Remember, there are no mistakes, only lessons. Love yourself, trust your
choices, and everything is possible.
Cherie Carter-Scott

But respect yourself most of all.

We have nothing to lose by trusting the infinite power of the Self, except the bondage of our own ignorance.
Mata Amritanandamayi Devi

Take the time to come home to yourself every day.
Robin Casarjean

One cannot spend forever sitting and solving the mysteries of one's history.
Lemony Snicket

There is nothing noble about being superior to some other person. The true nobility is in being superior to your previous self.
Hindustani Proverb

Renew thyself completely each day; do it again, and again, and forever again.
Chinese inscription cited by Thoreau in Walden

It's like, at the end, there's this surprise quiz: am I proud of me? I gave my life to become the person I am right now! Was it worth what I paid?
Richard Bach

Falling, falling, falling, falling down. Look yourself in the eye before you drown.
Emily Saliers

Related Post:
Self-Worth: The Unconditional Love of Self

*See sidebar for links to more Inspirational Recovery Quotes, Quotes Of The Week, and other Resources.


Recovery Quote Of The Week: Jan 6, 2009

"We are betrayed by what is false within." George Meredith

Please see sidebar for links to more Recovery Quotes of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.

picture source: screamer;

Recovery Quote Of The Week: Dec 22

"A snowflake is one of the most fragile creations, but look what they can do when they stick together." Unkown

Please see sidebar for links to more Recovery Quotes of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.

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