Showing posts with label affirmations for recovery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label affirmations for recovery. Show all posts

Eating Disorder Recovery: I Refuse To Be

I refuse to be defined by my past, the size of my jeans, the number on a scale, or the opinion of others. I am an amazing, unique, and worthwhile person just as I am, here, now, as I stand before you today. I am a work in progress; ever growing, ever changing, ever moving forward. I am an amazing individual worthy of respect, love, and joy. My journey is no less important than your own. I do not seek your approval or permission to be who I choose to be. I am walking my own path at my own pace. 

©Weighing The Facts

Affirmations For Recovery: New Pages

I'd like to introduce you to two new pages on Weighing The Facts: Morning Affirmations for Recovery, and Bedtime Affirmations for Recovery.

Both pages can be accessed by clicking the two icons located in the sidebar and pictured here. They will be updated regularly.

Affirmations are the statements we repeat to ourselves daily. They help change our inner talk and, in turn, our lives. They replace negative self-talk, set the tone for the day, and inspire us. Positive affirmations are a powerful tool for recovery. 

If you're unsure how to use affirmations you can find out more here: Using Affirmations

Come join us on Facebook for daily affirmations!

©Weighing The Facts

picture credits can be found on the above pages.