Showing posts with label perfection. Show all posts
Showing posts with label perfection. Show all posts

Changing Our Perception of Perfection

There it is, just out of reach. We keep striving for it, dreaming of it, and hating ourselves for not achieving it. We feel less than, unworthy, and defeated as perfection eludes us over and over again. Why are we so obsessed? Why does it matter so much? defines perfection as:

1.the state or quality of being or becoming perfect.
2.the highest degree of proficiency, skill, or excellence, as in some art.
3.a perfect embodiment or example of something.
4.a quality, trait, or feature of the highest degree of excellence.
5.the highest or most nearly perfect degree of a quality or trait.

I see it differently.

What if perfection isn’t the ultimate, unmarred definition of something, but instead is the place where acceptance sparks joy and satisfaction?

Think about it.

We describe so many things we experience as perfect when, in fact, they are far from it. The perfect sunrise, the perfect friend, the perfect love match, the perfect situation, and even the perfect job are far from “a perfect embodiment or example of something.” Our friends have flaws, our jobs can be frustrating, our significant others often fall short of our expectations, and so on.

So, why do we see them as perfect? It’s our acceptance of those flaws and our altered, very personal, definition of the concept of perfection. They become perfect for us.

Have you ever noticed that the imperfections in a person’s appearance can actually make them more beautiful than the conventional definition of beauty? Have you ever had an absolutely fabulous time because something in your original plans went wrong?

It’s funny how imperfection can end up being so wonderfully perfect, isn’t it?

Here we are, all caught up in achieving the ever elusive state of perfection. We hold ourselves back, diminish our own feelings of worth, and berate ourselves for not achieving the unmarred, glorified, ultimate definition of something that ends up being totally up to us to define.

Totally up to us to define. 

Pretty empowering. Right?

When we accept the role we play in the perception of perfection we can then let go of trying so hard to achieve someone else's definition of it and, instead, start living our lives…perfectly.

See also: Stop Hanging Around Waiting For Perfection

This Week's R.I.S.E. : Don't Hang Around Waiting For Perfection

This week's R.I.S.E. (Recovery Inspiration Strength Exercise) is Don't Hang Around Waiting For Perfection.

Are you waiting for perfection before you participate? Have there been events, gatherings, classes you'd like to take, a career move you'd like to make, or anything else that you've put on hold because you're waiting for the perfect time, perfect weight, perfect outfit, perfect conditions?

The problem with perfection is that it's practically unattainable and, in my opinion, boring (said with a long, drawn out, sing songy type inflection). When I think back on some of my favorite memories, it's the imperfections that made them so extraordinary, so memorable. The imperfect friends and family, and the imperfect situations led to unexpected turns of events that left me belly laughing with glee, or happily surprised by an outcome I couldn't have even imagined. Even when I wasn't thrilled by the end results, I came away from it with a life lesson that I wouldn't have learned otherwise and that I was (if not immediately, at least down the road) grateful to learn.

Putting your life on hold because you don't feel thin enough, good enough, pretty enough, worthy enough (and the list goes on and on) is one of the biggest life cheats there is.

The hard, cold fact is that we only have right now, this very moment, for certain. Everything else is a gamble and a gift. Keep hanging around waiting for perfection and you could find you've missed a huge hunk of life.

We hold ourselves back by worrying what others will think of us when, in reality, they're really not giving us much thought. Not in the sense that we worry they are. Have you ever noticed that the people who go out and meet life head on don't seem the least bit concerned with how you feel about it? They're not worried that you don't approve, or don't think they look the right way,  or think they're good enough to do whatever it is they're choosing to do. They're too busy living their lives. 

This is no dress rehearsal (paraphrasing Rose Tremain) so stop waiting and start participating.

For this week do something you've been wanting to do. Attend or host a gathering of friends you've been eager to see, go somewhere new, do something... just don't hang around waiting for perfection.

Jump in without weight, appearance, or any other self-limiting thoughts holding you back. Let go of the self-negativity and worry. Take your-self with you. The real you. The one that matters.  Enjoy! Laugh! Live it fully! And if it doesn't turn out the way you had hoped, go with the flow and make the best of it.

There's a whole lot of living to be done out there and it's waiting for your wonderfully imperfect self!

* See sidebar menu for more Weekly R.I.S.E.
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