Recovery Quote of the Week: June 30, 2012
You must dive the depths in order to experience the beauty of what exists below the surface.
See sidebar menu for more Recovery Quotes of the Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.
Negativity is TOXIC! Ways to Increase Your Positivity
Negativity is TOXIC. Protect yourself!
Do negative thoughts keep you from moving forward and being happy? Let go of the negativity and learn to cultivate a positive attitude. Our thoughts profoundly affect the quality of our lives. What we think can make or break us.
Ways To Increase Your Positivity:
5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Change Your Life
7 Ways to Lift Your Spirits in 5 Minutes or Less.
10 Ways To Love Yourself Better
Fostering Positive Self-Esteem
Self-Love Jar
Plant Seeds of Recovery
Start A Gratitude Journal
Set The Tone of the Day
Positivity Quotes
Using Affirmations
Morning Affirmations
Bedtime Affirmations
image source: http://www.flickr.com/photos/linusekenstam/4430014192/in/photostream/
Recovery Image: Only By Letting Go
Only by letting go can we learn to navigate the currents of our dreams.
picsource: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pinksherbet/1206228320/in/photostream/
Eating Disorders News and Views: June 22, 2012
Sober Days: Anorexia, alcoholism linked?
my desert
Question: I have been in recovery with A.A. for 3½ years; I am also anorexic. Is there a connection between alcoholism and anorexia/bulimia?
answer: There is evidence of a relationship between eating disorders and alcohol abuse in women.
A study of two populations of adult women — those presenting for alcoholism treatment and those
Read Sober Days in full
Why women who starve themselves MUST be force-fed: Liz Jones backs the judge who ruled an anorexic girl must be kept alive against her will
the daily mail
Sitting at my kitchen table with a piece of toast in front of me, I feel stressed, tired and unhappy, so I don’t want to eat it.
I have to eat it, because if I don’t, I’ll be ill. I put it in my mouth. I want to gag, but I chew. I swallow hard. It’s a tiny square of wholemeal bread. I give the crust to my dog.
I force-feed myself — not every day, but often, when life becomes too much to bear. It’s hard, but it saves my life.
A debate is raging about whether Mr Justice Peter Jackson was right to order an anorexic 32-year-old woman in Wales to be force-fed to keep her alive — against not just her wishes, but those of her parents.
Read Starve in full
Should Anorexics Be Force-Fed?
the huffington post
Should Anorexics be force fed? The latest legal ruling could kill the patient - but doing nothing might also condemn her to death.
The Daily Telegraph has reported that a leading judge who sits in the Court of Protection, Mr Justice Peter Jackson, has ruled that a former medical student suffering from severe anorexia nervosa, and who is at a life-threatening low weight, should be force-fed against her wishes by doctors.
Read Force Fed in full
Coroner blames fashion industry for bulimic schoolgirl's death
itv news
The fashion industry was squarely blamed by a coroner today for the death of a schoolgirl who was found hanged after suffering from an eating disorder.
Michael Rose, the West Somerset Coroner, called on magazines and catwalks to stop using thin models after Fiona Geraghty was found dead at her home, near Taunton, last year.
The 14-year-old schoolgirl, who had been suffering from bulimia, hanged herself in her bedroom in July last year. She had confided in health staff that she had been taunted by other girls at her public school because of her weight.
Read Blames in full
Eating Disorders in Women Over 50
Survey Shows Women in Their 50s Binge, Purge, and Diet Nearly as Often as Adolescents
Web MD
Eating disorders don't just strike teens. A new survey shows that middle-aged women binge, purge, and engage in extreme exercise and dieting about as often as adolescents do.
"Strikingly, things are as bad in this age group as they are in the younger age groups. I was sort of gobsmacked that 8% reported purging in the last five years," says researcher Cynthia M. Bulik, PhD, director of the University of North Carolina Eating Disorders Program, in Chapel Hill.
Read Women in their 50s in full
New Research Strategy for Binge Eating
psych central
Researchers have discovered that blocking the Sigma-1 receptor, a cellular protein, reduced binge eating and caused binge eaters to eat more slowly.
Binge eating disorder affects 15 million Americans and is believed to be the eating disorder that most closely resembles substance abuse and dependency.
Binge eaters typically gorge on junk foods excessively and compulsively despite knowing the adverse consequences, which are physical, emotional and social in nature.
Read New Strategy in full
Recovery Inspiration: Courage is...
Courage is having faith despite overwhelming odds, believing in yourself when all others have lost hope, and loving yourself no matter what.
Recovery Inspiration: Never Stop Fighting. Never Lose Faith
No one is ever too broken, too scarred, or too far-gone to create change.
Never Stop Fighting. Never lose faith.
Father's Day: Eating Disorder Links For Dads
Happy Father's Day!
Are you a father who has a child with an eating disorder?
Helpful Eating Disorder Links For Fathers
What Father's Should Know About Eating Disorders
What Parents Can Do
More Info For Parents
Eating Disorder Websites, Organizations, and Hotlines
Mental Health Websites, Organization, and Hotlines
Recovery Inspiration: Start This Day With A Song.
Start this day with a song. Cast your burdens to the wind. Dance in the new day's sun. Rejoice, for this day is a new beginning. It asks only that it be embraced and lived joyfully.
Recovery Inspiration: How Different Would Your Life Be If...
How different would your life be if the fear, shame, guilt, self-doubt, and burdens of your past no longer existed? If you accepted yourself, loved yourself, and respected yourself despite your weight, appearance, or history? These things do not define you. Let them go and start creating the life you desire!
Recovery Quote Of The Week: June 14, 2012
Today, I will take time to drink in the fresh spring air and sit with my thoughts for a while. I will not hurry, worry, or fear. I will live in this one glorious moment, fully. I will take from it all that it has to offer me. I will allow it to fill my soul.
Bad Apple: Eating Disorders Poetry
Warning: Poem may be triggering
Bad Apple
This poem is not about how I beat anorexia.
I wish I could write that poem
I always liked clean breaks and happy endings
But this is not a happy ending.
This is real.
I’ve done what I can
keeping up appearances
The good girl
The smart one
I’ve done a damn good job, don’t you think?
And I know you want your little girl back
And I wish I could give you that too.
But I am not a bad apple
You can’t cut out the rotten bits
This is not burnt toast
You can’t scrape this off
Or hide it with butter
Or throw it away and make a new slice
This is not a cherry pit
You can’t just eat around it
There are no devils or angels fighting on my shoulders
I am the devil
I’m the angel too.
All I can do is swallow this bad apple whole
Savor it bite by mushy brown bite
And maybe one day I’ll be just like I used to be
And maybe I won’t
So do you want a taste or not?
by: Anonymous
See sidebar menu for more Poetry and Writing Submissions from readers.
Recovery Quote Of The Week: June 4 2012
The next mile is the only one a person really has to make.
Danish Proverb
See sidebar menu for more Recovery Quotes of the Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes