National Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2009: ED Info

In keeping with National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, here are some ED post links from within Weighing The Facts:

Bulimia Nervosa
Warning Signs Of Bulimia
Binge Eating Disorder/Compulsive Overeating
Selective Eating Disorder
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Dieting/ED Connection
ED Self-Assessment Tests and Quizzes
ED Resources, Hotlines, Websites, Etc.

Please see sidebar for more links to ED info, resources, news, hotlines, recovery, etc.
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What Are You Doing For National Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2009?

It's day 2.

Are you doing anything for National Eating Disorders Awareness Week?

I'd like to invite you to leave a comment about your plans or links to your posts that relate to NEDAwareness week.

Please also take a moment and participate in the poll located in the sidebar.
Thank you.

Completed Poll Results:

Are you doing anything for National Eating Disorders Week, and if so, what are you doing?
(choose all that apply)

votes: 46

Yes 23 (50%)

No 6 (13%)

Undecided 2 (4%)

Uninterested 1 (2%)

Journaling 10 (21%)

Blogging 9 (19%)

Spreading the word 20 (43%)

Educating others 17 (36%)

Educating myself 23 (50%)

A scheduled event 10 (21%)

Helping others 8 (17%)

Working on my recovery 23 (50%)

Taking first step/recovery 2 (4%)

Reaching out for myself 15 (32%)

Reaching out to others 16 (34%)

Sharing my story 15 (32%)

I don't know what to do 10 (21%)

Nothing 2 (4%)

More Poll Results

National Eating Disorders Awareness Week 2009