Body-Positive Billboards Make Debut In Utah

 The nations first non-profit body-positive billboards are now gracing the roadsides of Utah!

Identical twins, Lindsay and Lexie Kite, creators of Beauty Redefined, are on a mission to take back beauty by helping girls, and women, recognize and reject the negative messages about body image and beauty. 

"...we hope these billboards will provide a reminder for people of all ages that women are worth more than the sum of their parts. Women are capable of much more than being looked at. There is more to be than eye candy. If beauty hurts, we’re doing it wrong. And your reflection does NOT define your worth."

From their site: " Profit-driven media, hand in hand with the multi-billion-dollar beauty and weight loss industries, rely on us believing a lie. The lie tells us beauty comes in one form that anyone can attain with enough money, time and effort. It tells us that women who don’t fit the ideal are doomed to be undesirable and unhappy. This sinister lie that female worth is dependent upon appearance is incredibly successful, but now that we recognize we’re in a battle for women’s worth and well being, we can actually start to defend ourselves!"

I'm so excited about these billboards.  WTG, ladies!

 You can find out more and donate here. 

pics courtesy of Beauty Redefined

Recovery Poetry: I Lie Still, Listening

I Lie Still, Listening

I woke
and in the barely-there light of the new day
I felt it
a faint tug
a softly whispered promise
and taken with the newness of it
I lie still, listening

sweet of words
warmed with hope
and tender encouragement
it spoke to me
of possibilities
and self-love
and recovery

gently it coaxed
comforting and strong
and in the barely-there light of the new day
I listened
to a softly whispered promise
and finally...

I believed.

written by: Emmy M.

*See sidebar menu for more Eating Disorder and Body Image Poetry/Writings

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