Size Zero: Here We Go Again
Super-skinny models dominate the autumn fashion shows, and now MTV is actively promoting competitive dieting. Jonathan Owen and John Sunyer report Sunday, 31 August 200
"As the New York fashion industry prepares to launch new collections starting on Friday, followed by London on 14 September, attention is again drawn to models and their weight.
After the furore at London Fashion Week last spring, with calls for a ban on size-zero models, not only has nothing been done, but the unrealistic super-skinny image is now being positively promoted again internationally.
MTV is under fire for promoting competitive dieting and fuelling the damaging size-zero catwalk culture, following the announcement that it is to launch a controversial new TV show in which girls must lose between 30 and 80lb in the hope of becoming a model. The channel is advertising the show Model Maker with a request for "girls willing to shed the pounds" in a three-month boot camp in a quest to become a "self-confident, high-profile fashion model".
Recruitment adverts – featuring the statement "Women come in all shapes and sizes, but models don't. Skinny, no body fat and size zero are the words and phrases associated with models. Chubby, well-fed, and big-boned are not ..." – have been condemned by eating-disorder charities as promoting extreme dieting."
Read in full here.
Eating Disorders Aren't Cool
Windsor Star. Published: Saturday, August 30, 2008
"A Quebec retailer of women's clothes is justifiably being praised for pulling from shelves a run of 450,000 catalogues featuring images of borderline anorexic models. Peter Simons of La Maison Simons acted quickly to recall the catalogues because he felt the images were "unsuitable" and "destructive to a more vulnerable portion of the population which is exposed to anorexia.'Read in full here.
Binge Eaters Not Getting Help
By Siobhan Courtney BBC News Fenella Lemonsky is a compulsive over eater.
"The 40-year-old from London said she has had issues with food from childhood.
"When things used to go wrong, the food was there," she said.
"I would turn to it and it would make me feel better. I have been trapped in a destructive cycle of binge and over-eating all my life."
Whilst stroking her dog Simbur, Fenella talks openly about her ritual of binge eating.
"It would be secretive, I would eat in private, all binge eaters do.
"It doesn't matter where you are, as long as there is space to put the food in front of you and then just get the food down, that's the most important thing."
Read in full here.
The Dark Side of a Midnight Feast
"Nocturnal eaters who wake up to devour calories are suffering from a recognised illness, says Tamsin Kelly. Nigella Lawson may have made the midnight munchies look glamorous as she crept downstairs to whip up feasts in her clinging black satin dressing-gown.But for sufferers of night eating syndrome, excessive and uncontrollable feasting during the night can cause misery. In typical cases, people who suffer from night eating syndrome are prone to stress and disrupted sleep.
Each time they wake, they head for the kitchen to eat food high in carbohydrates, such as chocolate, cake, bread and biscuits. Night eaters may consume half their daily calorie intake after their evening meal and this frequently leads to weight gain. Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania found typical nocturnal eaters consumed 500 calories more than those whose sleep was undisturbed."
Read in full here.
Skill Based Therapy May Curb Eating DisordersReuters
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - "Women who suffer from bulimia or binge-eating disorder and who have borderline personality may be helped with "dialectical behavior therapy," results of a pilot study suggest.
Dialectical behavior therapy, or DBT, is a form of cognitive-behavior therapy originally developed for women with borderline personality disorder -- a disorder characterized by recurrent suicidal behavior and multiple problem behaviors.
Standard DBT is a comprehensive, multi-component "life skills-based" treatment targeting behaviors that threaten a person's life and interfere with therapy and overall quality of life. DBT helps people be mindful of their emotions and regulate their emotions and tolerate life's ups and downs."
Read in full here.sources: http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/fashion/news/sizezero-here-we-go-again-913931.html http://www.canada.com/windsorstar/news/editorial/story.html?id=6366504b-3cef-429f-89df-88679c14f976 http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/health/7587515.stm http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/main.jhtml?xml=/health/2008/08/30/hnighteat130.xml http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUSCOL85693420080828
It's sad that this has been going on for such a long time, and it's just getting worse. My SIL was a model in the early 60ies and they purged then as well. It isn't natural to be that skinny.
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