Recovery Quotes: Beauty
Self-Defining Personal Beauty
Just because you are blind and unable to see my beauty doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
I love this quote by Margaret Cho. "My beauty," she says. How potent a statement that is. She's not comparing herself to anyone else or condemning herself for not meeting the beauty standards so often set by society and so deeply ingrained in our culture. She is claiming her uniqueness, her personal beauty despite another's possible inability to see it for themselves. That's powerful!
Beauty is not about how we look. Beauty is so much more. It's a glorious compilation of all the things that makes us who we are. It is self-defined. Self-defined. That makes it the responsibility of each of us to recognize it, nurture it, and proclaim it as our own no matter what anyone else thinks.
It's time to reevaluate, redefine, and reaffirm our own personal beauty. It is time to refuse to let the blindness of others to affect our own sight. It is time to confidently present ourselves to the world with self-acceptance, self-love, and self-respect. That is positively mesmerizing. That is... beautiful!
Accepting and Loving Your Body
Bodies. They come in all shapes and sizes. They are unique. Each one an original creation. Bodies are a true example of diversity. They do so much for us every day, yet we judge them by their appearance instead of accepting them and loving them as they are. We compare our bodies to the bodies of others. We scrutinize them, pick them apart, and find fault. We wish we had thinner thighs, bigger breasts, or flatter tummies. We wish we were taller, shorter, or less wide. We feel ashamed, embarrassed, and cheated by what we see in the mirror. We may hide ourselves, deprive ourselves, or berate ourselves because we feel our bodies are not good enough. We allow our bodies to define us.
It’s also helpful to realize that this very body that we have, that’s sitting right here right now…with its aches and its pleasures…is exactly what we need to be fully human, fully awake, fully alive.
Pema Chodron
A cultural fixation on female thinness is not an obsession about female beauty but an obsession about female obedience.
Naomi Wolf
Fortunately, these practices are no longer a carefully kept industry secret. Many have lifted the veil, exposed these methods, and informed the public. Search the internet and you'll find many examples of photoshopped fashion/beauty images that compare the true image to the final product. Actresses have come forward to speak out against their images being digitally manipulated. Some have bared their bodies as proof that what you see on a slickly designed magazine cover is not what you'd see in reality. There has also been a push to require photoshopped images to come with a warning/disclosure stating the image has been altered.
We can stop buying into the hate. We can stop permitting an industry who relies on our dissatisfaction with ourselves (in order to make money) to dictate what beauty is. We can teach our children that what they see in the media has most likely been altered and is not a fair and true representation of the human body. We can lead by example by accepting ourselves and loving ourselves. We can start being grateful for all that our bodies do for us, and less concerned with how are bodies stack up against the hype. We can reteach ourselves to love our individuality. We can start by redefining beauty. We can begin by realizing that we are beautiful just as we are.
Commit to accepting your body. Commit to loving and appreciating your body right now, just as you are. Take a step forward in the direction of body acceptance/love, and another step, and another step... every day.
There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself; comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me, that is the true essence of beauty.
How are others doing it?
For me, loving my body is something that is a long way in the distance. However, accepting my body how it is is something I've accomplished. Just getting to that point was a long journey. By accepting myself, I've gained confidence. By gaining confidence, I've been able to love little things about myself. I am a curvy girl, but ED does not discriminate. Some of the little things I love are my curves and the shape of my legs. Learning to love little things has given me the peace of mind I need to get down to a HEALTHY weight HEALTHY way. Regular exercise, but not too much and eating healthy things without bingeing and without restricting. My recovery is only beginning, but I can't wait to love myself completely, fully, and unconditionally!!
I am still in the process of learning to accept my body; however, I can see how far I have come. Acceptance began when I was respected sexually. My boyfriend, now husband, did not pressure me to have sex when I didn't want to. That opened the door to me reclaiming ownership of my body. Once I saw it as mine, I began practicing appreciating what it did for me. I put it through hell! Yet my body is resilient and bounced back. Now I am starting to be open to the idea that other things beside my weight determine my worth. Accepting that I am worth more than that number is awful because then I see all the pain poured into hating something that was really okay. .. but more than that it is amazing because I can finally have moments in life where I am content.
Courtney, 24 yrs
Learning to love and accept my body has been the hardest part in my recovery, and even though I consider myself free from Ed, I still find myself having "bad body" days. Days where I feel "fat" and don't want to do anything. But I have learned how to push through these days by remembering that the feelings won't last forever. They are bound to disappear because feelings are not fact and they come and go continuously. Feeling "fat" or gross one day does not mean you are in fact "fat" or gross. I've learned that tomorrow I will probably wake up feeling amazing about myself so I hold on to that thought and keep going. Remember that you are beautiful no matter how you feel inside or what those Ed thoughts are telling you. Fight back.
Tayla, 20 yrs
I fight my battle with words, positive words and daily gratitude, words that give me a why: why should I keep my scale beneath the sink? Why should I love the girl in the mirror? Why is there more to life than counting (weight, calories, seconds on the treadmill...)? My why is puppy dog kisses and long walks in the mountains. My why is laughing with my siblings, cultivating a fulfilling career, writing in coffee shops on the weekends. My why is dreaming of a better future--working toward a future--and knowing that any future I take part in requires more than skin and bones. I still do math--in my head, walking past the mirror or as I crack my eggs for breakfast or tie on my walking shoes. But the words--positive words and gratitude--fill my head and crowd out the numbers, and, for today, I have the peace that lets me work toward a recovered tomorrow.
Kaila, 26 yrs
Start living life fully now, in your present body…
Linda Bacon
If you would like to share your experience with learning to accept/love your body to be added to this post, please email me at
Dear Body: A Letter of Apology and Gratitude
Dear Body,
I know that we haven't always been close or even on friendly terms and the amount of abuse that you have suffered at my expense is astronomical but I am here to apologize and show my gratitude.
I am sorry for using you as a way to convey my pain and suffering. For all of the times that I starved you and overexercised to get my point across. For all of the harsh words that were uttered in your direction in order to avoid my true fears and feelings. For every time I walked past a mirror and shuttered at you/my reflection. For losing trust in your ability to function and do your thing. I am sorry for trying to manipulate you in ways that were harmful. For punishing you when you were not the one to blame. For taking out every hateful and painful thing that has ever been done to me, on you. But I am mostly sorry for using you as my voice when I couldn't find mine.
Body, I think your resilience is amazing. Thank you so much for continuing to fight when I had stopped and for never giving up on me. For continuing to function when you were past running on empty. Thank you for never completely giving out on me. But even more so, thanks for the reminders that I was still alive; the horrible pangs of hunger that couldn't be ignored, the fatigue, dizziness and lack of energy that no amount of sleep could cure and even the never ending coldness and the temporary loss of my period over the years. Although I usually reacted with anger and further destruction, these signs forced me to see the truth. Forced me to face the reality of the situation that I was killing myself. That I am human and not invincible. And I am thankful for these reminders before it was too late.
Thank you legs for being pillars of strength. For allowing me to walk, run and be a great athlete. For enduring long obsessive workouts and a lot of scrutiny from me. For being muscular and never letting me forget where I come from. Thighs and calves, I am sorry for cursing your size, trying to make you smaller and berating you for your inability to fit in skinny jeans. Without you I wouldn't have been able and continue to be able to do a lot of cool things like triathlons, tread water, rock climb and even walk the dog. Butt, I am sorry for trying to make you disappear and for cringing every time I catch a glimpse of you in the mirror. I hope to one day appreciate you and compliment you as much as John does. Hips, thanks for being wide and pronounced. One day you are going to make being pregnant and having a kid a little easier. Chest, I know that we have had a love hate relationship, but independent of your size, thanks for reminding me that I am a woman. Arms, shoulders and back, thanks for being strong. For allowing me to swim and for gracefully enduring all of the lengthy training and workouts that I have put you through. I am sorry for the years that I spent angry at you for being broad and for all of the times I stood in the dressing room defeated because you couldn't fit comfortably in a certain shirt or dress. You allow me to do awesome things like kayak, cuddle, hug and carry children.
I am sorry for all of the times that I believed that weight loss was the answer and forced you down to sizes that were not healthy and put you into survival mode. Organs, I am sorry for forcing you to work overtime and even start to shut down because of my overexertion and lack of nourishment. I am sorry for allowing you to be touched inappropriately and for repeatedly enduring abuse by others. I am sorry for not speaking up on your behalf and saying no. But mostly I am sorry for continuing the abuse and self hatred, even after others stopped.
Body, I know that we have been through hell together and that there are still a lot of reparations to be made and that you are still hesitant and questioning my intentions. I know that gaining back my trust is going to take time but I am so glad to be able to call you home. Just like you never gave up on me, I will never give up on you ever again. Although I know that there will be slips on the way and I might not always show my love and appreciation so openly, I am looking forward to reconnecting with you; learning how to listen to your signals, feed you properly, rest when needed, trust your abilities and wisdom, as well as appreciate your strength, size and beauty. I know you may not believe this after all of the abuse and pain that I have put you through, but I think you are amazing and I am glad to call you mine.
*see menu in sidebar for more eating disorder and body image submissions.
10 Ways to Lighten Emotional Burdens & Create Change In The New Year
What is the number one New Years resolution, year after year? Is it health or happiness? No. More time with family and friends? No, not that, either. A financial windfall? Not even money makes the top of the list. It's weight loss.
Surprised? I wasn't, either.
There's a real shortage of self-appreciation, self-love, and self-acceptance in our society. We look at ourselves with a sharp, critical eye that's been honed to find each and every imperfection. We compare ourselves to others instead of accepting and celebrating our differences. We allow ourselves to be defined by our perceived shortcomings which, in turn, begins the cycle of self-deprecation. When I lose this weight I'll finally be happy. I wouldn't look so bad if my thighs weren't so big. If I looked like__, my life would be amazing. If I wasn't such a mess, I'd have gotten that job..... and so on, and so on. Why would it be a surprise to find that with all that we could aim for in the coming New Year, our appearance tops the list?
The reasons for how we view our bodies, and why we feel about them as we do, are as diverse as the bodies we've been taught (or have learned) to hate. No matter the reason, it's time that we put a stop to this, break the never ending cycle, and start to build a loving, healthy relationship with ourselves... and our bodies.
Let's resolve to focus less on losing body weight this year and focus more on losing the weight of the emotional burdens we carry with us every day. Those excessive, self-loathing, depressing, guilt-filled burdens that serve no positive purpose and that deprive us of living fully and joyfully. Yes, let's lose those. They are a heavy weight that we were never meant to bear.
10 Ways to Lighten Emotional Burdens and Create Change
1. let go of resentments
2. stop dragging the past into the present
3. forgive and be forgiven
4. appreciate your body, your spirit, yourself
5. let go of negative self-talk
6. stop comparing yourself to others
7. accept yourself completely without
prejudice to your appearance
8. let go of thoughts/memories that do not
serve to heal, help, or support you
9. let go of feelings of self-doubt and inadequacy
10. move past what has held you back...
with positivity, courage, and conviction
You may find the New Year to be a symbolic time to implement change but if you don't, the truth is that change doesn't require a special day. It can be created at any time... with huge leaps or small steps. It all depends on what works best for you. Just begin. Start. Difficult or easy, make it happen. You are capable and worthy of the change you seek.
Happy New Year!
see also:
10 Self-Nurturing New Year's Resolutions
An Exercise in Bringing About Change
5 Things You Can Do Right Now to Change Your Life
Letting Go Of Resentment
15 Quotes For Recovery In This Brand NewYear
What Are You Afraid Of? (Change)
Is What's Holding You Back Worth Holding On To?
Recovery and The New Year
New Beginnings
new years stat source:,29569,2040218,00.html
This Week's R.I.S.E. :Self-Love Jar
Materials Needed:
*empty jar
*slips of paper (be creative or simply grab a piece of scrap paper)
*pen, pencil, or colored markers
Each day, grab a slip of paper and take a moment to:
*write one positive thing about yourself
*or words of encouragement
*place it in the jar
Keep it positive. No negativity allowed.
Consider the jar your personal bank of self-love and encouragement. You make deposits into it that you later can withdraw as needed.
Feeling down, struggling, or using negative self-talk? Take a slip of paper out of the jar and read it. Take another. Dump it upside down on your bed, get comfy and read them all. Whatever you need, whenever you need it.
See sidebar menu for more R.I.S.E. from previous weeks.
©Weighing The Facts
This Week's R.I.S.E. :Plant Seeds Of Recovery
Imagine yourself standing in a garden. It's bare. The soil has been turned, amended, and fertilized, waiting to be seeded. This is your recovery garden. What grows here will depend on the seeds you choose to plant in it, and the care you give it.
Each thought is like a seed and so it's important that we are careful about the seeds we allow to take root. Simply put, we reap what we sow.
Visualize yourself:
- with a handful of big, healthy, seeds. Each one labeled with a word of your choosing
- on your knees, the sun shining down, birds singing, a warm breeze
- taking your time to plant each seed carefully
- watering it lovingly
- watching it grow
Even when we're good at staying positive, negative thoughts are bound to creep in now and again, but we don't have to water them, fertilize them, and help them grow. Consider them a weed and start weeding!
See sidebar menu for more R.I.S.E.
©Weighing The Facts
This Week's R.I.S.E. : Daily "Me Time"
This week's R.I.S.E. (Recovery Inspiration Strength Exercise) is to give yourself some "Me Time" every day.
Life is hectic. It keeps us running. As we tend to our many obligations, we often put ourselves on the back burner ... quickly slipping lower and lower on our own priority list. It doesn't take long to find ourselves overwhelmed, tired, and even disheartened.
Everyone needs to recharge. Add recovery efforts to the mix and recharging takes on yet another layer of importance. We cannot be any good to anyone (including ourselves) if we're worn out and discouraged. Taking "me time" is healthy for our spirits, minds, bodies, and our recovery. It's even beneficial for those who share our daily lives.
Where can you find the time to devote to yourself when your days are already filled to the brim?
Taking time for yourself doesn't have to be an hour long obligation (but if you've got an hour, take it!).
Me time can be as simple as taking 15 (more is better) minutes to:
- sip a cup of your favorite tea, undisturbed, feet up, relaxing.
- read a few pages of a delicious book while waiting for your child to get out of (drama, band, sports) practice.
- grab some headphones and listen to your favorite music or relaxation cd while walking the dog (as long as you enjoy walking the dog).
Do not feel guilty for giving this to yourself. It's not selfish to take care of yourself. It's necessary. Like the saying goes, it's time to put yourself at the top of your own priority list.
So, just some simple ground rules:
- during me time you must let go of all the things your mind is juggling or worrying about.
- you cannot devote this time to a chore, task, or phone call that's waiting for your attention.
- let it be known to those who share your home that this time is sacred and you're not to be disturbed. They'll catch on after a few times (if you have little ones, let another adult be in charge while you are taking care of you).
- Be alone during this time. It's too easy to be distracted if you're not.
- Do this EVERY day (more than once if you can).
- Enjoy your time!
You are going to be amazed at what a difference letting go of your obligations, and giving yourself a little much need attention for a few minutes, can make in how you feel and function.
Have fun with it!
See sidebar menu for more R.I.S.E.
©Weighing The Facts
Recovery Quote Of The Week: November 8, 2011
Change is the essence of life. Be willing to surrender what you are for what you could become.
*See sidebar menu for more Recovery Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes
This Week's R.I.S.E. : Start A Gratitude Journal
This week's R.I.S.E. (Recovery Inspiration Strength Exercise) is to start a Gratitude Journal.
Let's focus on the good in our lives by recognizing and giving thanks for the many things we're grateful for.
1). At the end of each day, reflect on what you are grateful for.
No matter what is going on in our lives, there is always something
to be grateful for. What our bodies do for us, the support we
receive, getting through a difficult day, recovery, being
alive... big or small, it all matters.
2). Choose at least one thing you are grateful for. Write it down.
It can be one word or a more in depth entry. Whatever
works for you.
If you do not have a journal, don't wait to get one.
Use any paper you have and keep your entries together in one place.
3). Read your entry aloud. Do this a few times. Let it sink in.
4). Lastly, give thanks for what you are grateful for.
Keeping a Gratitude Journal is an exercise in positivity. It reminds us that no matter how difficult our lives may be, there is also good in our lives, too. Your journal will be there to reread when you need a reminder or to lift your spirits.
*See sidebar for more R.I.S.E.
©Weighing The Facts
This Week's R.I.S.E.: Make A Feel Good Image File
1.) Collect images that:
*lift your spirits
*give you a warm, comforting feeling
*make you smile
*make you laugh
*inspire you
*relax you
2.) Place them in a file on your computer or a file folder at home.
3.) View them several times a day.
4.) Choose a favorite or two to carry with you.
5.) Hang one on your computer at your desk at work or at home (or make a collage).
6.) Enjoy them, absorb the good feelings your images give you.
Choose images that do not relate to personal appearance, weight or body size.
You can find images online, magazines, your own personal photos, or doodle/draw your own
*There are many images that are available for download that are free for personal, noncommercial use. Please comply with copyright laws when collecting your images.
Click the sidebar icon for more R.I.S.E.
©Weighing The Facts
Love Your Body Day 2011: 5 Ways To Celebrate
You are not defined by the reflection in your mirror. You are an amazing creation both inside and out. It's time to let go of the negative images you hold of your body and give it (and you) some much deserved love!
5 Ways to Celebrate Love Your Body Day
Use Body Positive Affirmations:
I treat my body with kindness. I make healthy choices that benefit my body. I am grateful to my body for all that it does for me. My body is worthy of my own love and respect.
My beauty cannot be defined by my physical appearance. My worth is constant and undeniable. Today I celebrate the beauty of my mind and my spirit. Today I appreciate the amazing and unique individual that I am.
I am grateful for my body. I nurture and take care of my body. I take time to appreciate my body for all the wonderful things it allows me to do. Today I treat my body with dignity and respect.
Put it in Writing:
list the wonderful things your body does for you.
list the wonderful things you will do for your body.
write love notes (encouraging and positive statements) to yourself and hang them on the bathroom mirror, the dash of your car, tuck one inside your pocket/purse.
Squash Negative Self-Talk:
Replace old negative inner talk with positive statements. Do it each time you find yourself thinking or saying something negative about your body and/or yourself. Say them with meaning. BELIEVE them. Positive self-talk brings about positive results. You'll be amazed!
Be Confident:
Forget about weight, size, and imperfections. Be confident in who you are. You are beautiful just as your are!
Be who you are and say what you feel
because those who mind don't matter
and those who matter don't mind.
Dr Seuss
Pamper Your Body and Your Mind:
Take a long, hot bath. Use scented candles, essential oils (lavender relaxes, sweet orange lifts your spirits, grapefruit energizes and cheers), or bubbles, and oils to moisturize.
Listen to your favorite music
Slip on your softest, most comfortable pjs and your old fluffy robe and settle down for the night with a book or a movie.
Give your body some extra love and appreciation today, tomorrow, and from here on out!
How are you celebrating Love You Body Day?
This post is part of the 2011 Love Your Body Day Blog Carnival
NOW Foundation (National Organization For Women)
Be Body Positive Day 2011 is Right Around the Corner
Bombarded by images and messages from the media, and society in general, women are faced with often impossible standards to hold ourselves and our bodies to.
April 7th, 2011 welcomes the second annual Be Body Positive Day. It's all about loving yourself, loving your body, and seeking healthy pleasures. It's your right!
The event is the creation of the non-profit organization,
The Body Positive:
The Body Positive is a community of women and girls who support each other in laying down the burdens of judgment, comparison, and shame. We include ourselves—and all women—in our definition of beauty because we believe that soul expression and life force are the qualities that make a woman truly attractive. We have chosen to pursue joyful healthy lives with a focus on purposeful living.
So take this day to treat yourself to some extra special, self-loving activities and appreciate yourself and all women, everywhere.
Do at least one thing that makes you feel great about your body!
Ideas to help celebrate Be Body Positive Day:
- Write yourself a love letter.
- Go for a walk along the beach, in the woods, or somewhere you love, and take notice of all the beauty around you. Bring your camera with you!
- Take your favorite book into the tub and have a long soak.
- Squelch those negative thoughts and replace them with positive, self-appreciative ones.
- Journal about how wonderful your body is.
- Remind yourself how grateful you are to be you.
What are you going to do to celebrate Be Body Positive Day?
Connect with The Body Positive:
Body-Positive Billboards Make Debut In Utah
The nations first non-profit body-positive billboards are now gracing the roadsides of Utah!
Identical twins, Lindsay and Lexie Kite, creators of Beauty Redefined, are on a mission to take back beauty by helping girls, and women, recognize and reject the negative messages about body image and beauty.
"...we hope these billboards will provide a reminder for people of all ages that women are worth more than the sum of their parts. Women are capable of much more than being looked at. There is more to be than eye candy. If beauty hurts, we’re doing it wrong. And your reflection does NOT define your worth."
From their site: " Profit-driven media, hand in hand with the multi-billion-dollar beauty and weight loss industries, rely on us believing a lie. The lie tells us beauty comes in one form that anyone can attain with enough money, time and effort. It tells us that women who don’t fit the ideal are doomed to be undesirable and unhappy. This sinister lie that female worth is dependent upon appearance is incredibly successful, but now that we recognize we’re in a battle for women’s worth and well being, we can actually start to defend ourselves!"
I'm so excited about these billboards. WTG, ladies!
You can find out more and donate here.
pics courtesy of Beauty Redefined
Body Image: My Own Worst Enemy
You can find more reader submissions in the sidebar drop down menu.
Click here to share your ED/Body Image poetry, writings, or story.
Razor Dance: A Young Woman's Poem About Self-Injury and Where She Is Now In Her Recovery

Blood churns
interweaving like an intricate
bracelet encircled tightly
'round my wrist.
Sliver of raw flesh
part through my nakedness
Dancing alongside my veins
Leading me into a dance
I wanted all along.
My physical body
falls into a deep slumber
My mind slowly slums into hell
I hear drums beating
Louder, faster, lover
A suicidal dance
You caused this premature death
that you promised me
all this time-
That I thought I wanted all along.
Blood leaks
through every crevice
of my body
You slaughtered my innocence
and now I want it back.
by: Ashley
Share Your Poetry and Writings on Weighing The Facts
* See sidebar for more Poetry and Writings submitted by readers
picture source:
Guest Blogger Margarita Tartakovsky: Inspiring Words On Seeking ED Recovery

I am excited and delighted to introduce my first guest blogger, Margarita Tartakovsky of Weightless, a blog on, which focuses on body image, disordered eating, and eating disorders. From her Q&A interviews on through to her positive Body Image bolstering articles, her posts are informative, interesting, and very inspiring. If you haven't had the opportunity yet to visit there, I suggest you run on over and check it out. I promise you, you'll be glad that you did.
Inspiring Words on Seeking Eating Disorder Recovery
By: Margarita Tartakovsky MS
Seeking help when you’re struggling with an eating disorder might seem out of the question. Maybe you think no one can help. Maybe you see your disorder as a friend or your identity. But you are not your eating disorder. An eating disorder is a serious illness.
At Weightless, I regularly feature interviews with women who’ve recovered from eating disorders. One of the questions I ask is what motivated them to seek treatment. Today, I’d like to share with you a few of these answers.
If the idea of getting treatment for your eating disorder scares you or you’re afraid of taking the next step toward recovery, I hope the words below inspire you to talk to someone and find professional treatment. Even if you’ve already seen several therapists or been in treatment a few times, that doesn’t mean you can’t recover. Maybe your therapist didn’t specialize in eating disorders or maybe the two of you just didn’t click. None of these are reasons to give up. You may have to see several practitioners before finding the right one, but with some persistence, hard work and a desire to recover, you will find the right one. All you have to do is begin.
From Andrea Roe:
I wanted to get rid of my eating disorder and tried numerous times to recover by myself but it never worked. Even though I had read that recovery does exist, I didn’t really believe it was possible for me.
My turning point was when I met my husband. He believed in me no matter what. His love and support were what I needed to find the strength in me to reach out and do what it takes to beat this disorder. He was always there for me and never judged me. With his help and support, I felt for the first time that recovery was possible, even for me.
I could not have recovered without the help and support from others. I was close to giving up the fight many times, but my support team was there for me and believed in me, no matter what. And whenever I fell, they helped me get back up again to continue on with my recovery and healing journey. And they also celebrated my successes with me and reminded me of my successes when I was only concentrating on my failures and what was wrong with me. If it wasn’t for my support team, I would not be where I am today.
From Kate Le Page:
The first time I sought treatment I had been at school for several months with … [mono] … and had become so weak as a result that I was barely able to get out of bed. I was really frightened that my anorexia was making the virus harder to fight and decided to see my family doctor. Unfortunately, all he did was begin to weigh me every month and put me on various anti-depressants. This negative experience really put me off seeking further treatment.
By 1998, in my first year at university, my friends had begun to spot that something wasn’t right with my eating habits and they confronted me about it. My attendance was already beginning to suffer as I often felt so weak and exhausted that I would skip lectures. I had really gotten to a point where I knew the anorexia was preventing me from achieving my goal of getting a good degree.
From Kate Thieda:
A former teacher of mine who had been a mentor and second mother to me for over ten years confronted me during a visit to see her when I was twenty-eight. By this time, I had struggled with disordered eating for over eight years, and was virtually paralyzed when it came to making appropriate, healthy food choices. This was not the first time she had pushed me to reconsider my behavior, but I finally acknowledged that she was right and I needed help.
From Michelle Myers:
After a near-death experience (you can read my story on my blog here), I decided enough was enough. Though the thought of dying had intrigued me for a while, once I was almost there, I realized I desperately wanted to live – and REALLY live.
For the past four years of my life, I had merely existed. Avoiding food, pushing people away in my life, spending all of my time alone on the treadmill was no way to spend my time here on earth. I lost four years of my life, and my motivation to get better was my determination not to lose any more time.
Remember that while you didn’t choose to have any eating disorder, you can choose to get help and you can choose to fight. I hope you will.
Read why Margarita Tartakovsky blogs about these issues: Eating Disorders and Body Image Advocates & Why They Blog.