Eating Disorder Poll: Thanksgiving Day Feelings

While so many happily look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving Day with their family and friends, how does it affect your feelings? Please take a moment to participate in the poll located in the sidebar and share your feelings with others.
Thank you.

This poll is closed. Thanks to all who participated.

Poll Results:
Eating Disorders and Thanksgiving Day Feelings

71 (63%)
53 (47%)
18 (16%)
Afraid I'll Relapse
22 (19%)
Afraid ED will B discovered
25 (22%)
Happy 2 B with loved 1s
22 (19%)
12 (10%)
Afraid I'll binge
63 (56%)
Afraid I'll purge
39 (35%)
Not attending TG dinner
12 (10%)
Preparing TG dinner
15 (13%)
Attending TG dinner
44 (39%)
In recovery
40 (36%)
Not in recovery
24 (21%)

Votes: 111

More poll results can be found here.

Eating Disorders Inspirational Recovery Quotes: Our Bodies

Each individual woman's body demands to be accepted on its own terms.
Gloria Steinem~

It is the confidence in our bodies, minds, and spirits that allows us to keep looking for new adventures, new directions to grow in, and new lessons to learn ... which is what life is all about.
Oprah Winfrey~

Intelligence is present everywhere in our bodies . . . our own inner intelligence is far superior to any we can try to substitute from the outside.
Deepak Chopra

Some patients I see are actually draining into their bodies the diseased thoughts of their minds.
Zacharty Bercovitz

To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.

There is deep wisdom within our very flesh, if we can only come to our senses and feel it.
Elizabeth A. BehnkeAnne Sexton~

Our own physical body possesses a wisdom which we who inhabit the body lack. We give it orders which make no sense.
Henry Miller~

I love the body. Flesh is so honest, and organs do not lie.
Candea Core-Starke~

Emotion always has its roots in the unconscious and manifests itself in the body.
Irene Claremont de Castillejo
I finally realized that being grateful to my body was key to giving more love to myself.
Oprah Winfrey~

All we actually have is our body and its muscles that allow us to be under our own power.
Allegra Ken~

Safeguard the health both of body and soul.

We don't stop at our skin.
Dolores Krieger~

The body is a multilingual being. It speaks through its color and its temperature, the flush of recognition, the glow of love, the ash of pain, the heat of arousal, the coldness of non-conviction . . . It speaks through the leaping of the heart, the falling of the spirits, the pit at the center, and rising hope.
Clarissa Pinkola Estés

Why do we alienate ourselves so much from our bodies? It's that big piece of machinery attached to your head.
Carrie Latet

If the body be feeble, the mind will not be strong.
Thomas Jefferson~

I stand in awe of my body.
Henry David Thoreau~
Take care of your body with steadfast fidelity. The soul must see through these eyes alone, and if they are dim, the whole world is clouded.
Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe~

It is amazing how many hints and guides and intuitions for living come to the sensitive person who has ears to hear what his body is saying.
Rollo May~

Each body has its art...
Gwendolyn Brooks~

Every man is the builder of a temple called his body.

Henry David Thoreau~

You should pray for a sound mind in a sound body.
If the mind, that rules the body, ever so far forgets itself as to trample on its slave, the slave is never generous enough to forgive the injury, but will rise and smite the oppressor.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow~

The body is a sacred garment.
Martha Graham~
The best and most efficient pharmacy is within your own system.
Robert C. Peale~

It's also helpful to realize that this very body that we have, that's sitting right here right now... with its aches and it pleasures... is exactly what we need to be fully human, fully awake, fully alive.
Pema Chodron~
Sometimes your body is smarter than you are.

If your inner energy is misdirected, so will your whole life be.
C. Astrid Weber~

Our body is precious. It is our vehicle for awakening. Treat it with care.

Our bodies are our gardens to which our wills are gardeners.

Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live.
Jim Rohn

The goal in life is living in agreement with nature.

In our bodies, in this moment, there live the seed impulses of the change and spiritual growth we seek, and to awaken them we must bring our awareness into the body, into the here and now.
Pat Ogden~

No matter who you are, no matter what you do, you absolutely, positively do have the power to change.
Bill Phillips~

Wisdom is to the soul what health is to the body.

Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul.
Wayne Dyer~

Here in this body are the sacred rivers: here are the sun and moon as well as all the pilgrimage places ... I have not encountered another temple as blissful as my own body.

As is the gardener, so is the garden.

The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, nor to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

*Please see sidebar menus for more recovery quotes and quotes of the week.

What Are Your Strengths?

Video by: Holdingon

Please see sidebar for:
more ED and Recovery Videos

Recovery Quotes
Resources and More

Kimkins: Notice Of Pendency Of Class Action

Here is the notice that has now been approved by the Court. I will post a copy of the notice including the Judge's signature as soon as it is provided to me.

Please pass this on - forward it to every party you might think remotely interested, including media outlets you think may have an interest in sharing this information. If you are familiar with anyone who joined Kimkins, please direct them to this notice so that as many of the 40,000 people affected by Heidi's little scam as possible will have the opportunity to know they are part of the class and can opt out, preferring instead to allow Heidi to keep their money, or, perhaps, retaining their right to sue her independently.





1. On May 20, 2009, the Riverside County Superior Court, located in Riverside, California, issued an order certifying this case to proceed as a class action.

2. The plaintiffs are six individuals who bought memberships to through the Website ( from January 1, 2006 to October 15, 2007. The defendants are Heidi Diaz, an individual, and Kimkins (also known as, a business entity that conducts business in Corona, California.

3. The plaintiffs contend that Diaz and induced them into buying memberships for through false and misleading information provided on the Web site. The plaintiffs contend that the defendants violated California Business & Professions Code § 17200, et seq., which authorizes courts to provide relief from unfair, unlawful, and fraudulent business practices. The plaintiffs also contend that Diaz and violated common law prohibitions against fraud and negligent misrepresentation.

4. This notice provides you with information regarding the litigation, including the plaintiffs’ claims against the defendants and the current status of the litigation. This notice also provides you with information regarding the court’s class-certification order.


The Plaintiffs’ Claims

5. This lawsuit is based on the plaintiffs’ claims that Diaz and Kimkins used unfair, unlawful, or fraudulent business practices to induce them into buying memberships to This lawsuit is also based on the plaintiffs’ claims that the false and misleading information contained on the Web site constituted fraud or negligent misrepresentation by Diaz and Kimkins.

6. Here’s a list of the kinds of misconduct that the plaintiffs have alleged:

• that Diaz and Kimkins concocted a false persona, “Kim Drake” or “Kimmer” to sell memberships to
• that Diaz and Kimkins misled potential members into believing that “Kim Drake” was real by using photos of real women and then falsely claiming that the photos depicted “Drake”
• that Diaz and Kimkins posted lied about “Drake’s” purported weight loss
• that Diaz and Kimkins provided false or misleading information to Women’s World magazine
• that Diaz and Kimkins fabricated 41 “success stories” and published on the Web
• that Diaz and Kimkins made up celebrity endorsements
• that Diaz and Kimkins misused labels and metatags to steer Internet traffic to the Website, in violation of the law
• that Diaz and Kimkins misled potential members into believing that they were buying lifetime memberships, when in fact Diaz and terminated memberships at their whim
• that Diaz and Kimkins intended to mislead potential members and assumed that potential members would rely on her misrepresentations.

The Defendants’ Position

7. Diaz and Kimkins have denied all allegations of wrongdoing and liability, and they continue to deny that they have done anything wrong. Diaz and Kimkins also have asserted various affirmative defenses to the plaintiffs’ claims.


8. In an order filed May 20, 2009, the Court granted the Plaintiffs’ Motion for Class Certification. The Court certified for class treatment the plaintiffs’ claims for equitable relief, including disgorgement of the subscription fees paid to Diaz and Kimkins by the plaintiffs and the members of the class.

9. The certified class is defined as all individuals who purchased the diet membership on-line from the Web site from January 1, 2006 through October 15, 2007.


10. The Court ordered that this notice be provided to advise class members that this case is pending and that the Court has certified the case to proceed as a class action. You should not consider this notice or its mailing to be a statement by the Court that the plaintiffs are right or that their claims will prevail.


11. You do not need to do anything to remain a member of the class. If you bought a diet membership on-line from the Web site from January 1, 2006 through October 15, 2007—including either of those dates—you are automatically included in the class. Your rights will be represented by the plaintiffs and their attorneys. You will not be personally responsible for any attorney fees or for the any of the costs of this litigation.


12. You have the opportunity to opt out of the class action lawsuit as detailed herein. If you incurred a personal injury as a result of using the aka Kimkins Diet, you have a right to opt out. Notices to opt must be sent to or mailed to Tiedt & Hurd at 980 Montecito Drive, Suite 209, Corona, California 92879.


13. This notice provides only a brief summary of this litigation. For further details, you should take one or both of the following steps:

• Review the documents in the Court’s file for this lawsuit. Many of these documents may be viewed or obtained on-line at the following URL: . You also may review the Court’s file in person by going to the Office of the Clerk of the Court for the Riverside Superior Court, during regular business hours. The Clerk’s office is located at 4050 Main Street, Riverside, California 92501.

• Write a letter to the attorneys who are representing the plaintiffs and whom the Court has appointed to represent the class. Here are their names and their contact information:

John E. Tiedt & Marc S. Hurd
Tiedt & Hurd
980 Montecito Drive, Suite 209
Corona, California 92879

Michael L. Cohen
Michael L. Cohen, a PLC
707 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 4100
Los Angeles, California 90017

Ray Moore
Moore Winter McLennan LLP
701 N. Brand Blvd., Suite 200
Glendale, California 92103-4232

If you decide to contact one of the plaintiffs’ attorneys, please do so in writing. To make it easier for them or one of their staff members to respond, however, your letter should include both your e-mail address and your telephone number.

There are estimated to be as many as 40,000 members in the class. So please, DO NOT CALL THE COURT OR ATTEMPT TO CONTACT THE COURT BY E-MAIL.

DATE: ___________________________, 2009

Hon. _________________________,
Presiding Judge

More on Heidi Diaz and Kimkins:
Kimkins: An Internet Diet Scam
Kimkins: San Diego County Victims Sought
Kimkins Lawsuit: Class Certification Granted
Kimkins Lawsuit: Class Certification Granted ... Again

Recovery Quote Of The Week: August 3rd, 2009

"We are so accustomed to disguise ourselves to others that in the end we become disguised to ourselves."
Francois Duc de La Rochefoucauld

Please see sidebar for more Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.

*I apologize, several comments were accidentally deleted while I was reading them and preparing to post them. If you left a comment and it has not posted please feel free to comment again.

picture source:

Recovery Quote Of The Week: July 10, 2009

"Hope is like a road in the country; there was never a road, but when many people walk on it, the road comes into existence." Lin Yutang

*See sidebar for more Recovery Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.


The Vortex: ED Poetry and Writings

The Vortex

The delicious hunger
fills me up with hollowness
and pleasurable pangs,
confusion centers my mind and
dizziness gives me strength.
Eat my feast of salad and
daintily slam a gallon of water,
oops to much, better pay homage
to my god and sacrifice my meal.
So weak after my offering,
I had better run a mile.
Aching knees tell me
that I'm winning this game.
Up all night pacing with
wild thoughts and jitters
sleep is for the weak.
Throat so raw I can
hardly speak, silence
is my ally and works
better than the lies.

by: Tara Lundberg

*See sidebar menu for more ED poetry and writings

Poll: Socialized Medicine And The Treatment Of Eating Disorders / Mental Illness

What is your experience with socialized medicine when it comes the treatment of your Eating Disorder and/or Mental Illness? Have you gotten what you need to ensure your health and recovery? If you're in the United States, do you think a federal based health care system would help or hurt you getting treatment for your ED/ mental illness?

Poll Results:

What is your experience with socialized medicine and the treatment of your ED/mental illness? US citizen: do you feel a federal based health care system would help or hurt getting the care you need for your ED/mental illness?

it's been a great asset
2 (11%)
received all I need
0 (0%)
difficult to get treatment
4 (22%)
had to wait (long)
1 (5%)
had to wait (short)
0 (0%)
refused treatment
3 (16%)
seen in a timely fashion
1 (5%)
US: feel would not be asset
6 (33%)
US: feel would be asset
6 (33%)

Votes: 18

Click here for more Poll Results.
Thanks to all who participated.

Recovery Quote Of The Week: June 18th, 2009

"When you're at peace with yourself and love your self, it is virtually impossible to do things to yourself that are destructive."
Wayne Dyer

picture source:

Magazine: A Song About Anorexia

By: TheSarahJade

Copyright 2007 - Sarah Jade and Anna Johnson

I was sitting in bed, I was maybe thirteen
When my life was turned around
She was tall, she was thin, she was out of this world
And she didn't make a sound.

I put the magazine down and I started to frown
As I sat on my bed alone
I'm not pretty or perfect, not tall and not thin
And my clothes aren't nice as those.
But someday I suppose

The next morning at school I tried hard to forget
The girl in the magazine.
But all I could see was the barbie doll crowd
And the way they looked down on me

I ran through the doors as I fought back the tears.
Today I would make a change.
Got some lipstick and hairspray and painted my face
And threw myself away. I threw myself away

I started to think about what others thought of me
Compared myself to the girl in the magazine
Then on tuesday the next week I didn't eat
Soon I forgot who I used to be.

Another year later I looked in the mirror and saw what I'd become
Like the magazine girl I was pretty and thin but inside it felt so wrong

My makeup was thick and my body was thin
To the world a perfect 10
But nobody knew me and nobody cared
In my circle of plastic friends.

I started to think about what others thought of me (who am I now?)
Compared myself to the girl in the magazine (what have I done?)
Then on tuesday the next week I didn't eat (I've lost who I am)
Soon I forgot who I used to be. (and who I used to be)

This story is sad. This story is true.
It happens every day.
When girls try to be like the girls that they see
and they throw themselves away. They throw themselves away.

So don't try to be like the girl in the magazine. (who am I now?)
let yourself shine be the one that you're made to be (what have I done?)
Dare to be different stand up so the world can see (I've lost who I am)
More than a page in a Magazine (and who I used to be)

She says, "I started to write this song thinking back to a very distinct memory of mine. This song is not just about me, but I'd like to share my personal experience with an eating disorder.

I was thirteen years old and my step-mom had bought me my first "teen vogue" magazine. I opened it up and was so surprised at what I saw. Before that, my eyes had been closed to the expectations of women and girls in today's culture. It was a long process, but to make a long story short, I became anorexic that summer. For three months, I barely ate anything. I felt weak...and I was unable to function properly. I'm so happy I was able to stop before I endangered my health, but I still struggle with body-image today. I'm constantly thinking about the way I look and thinking about what I should and shouldn't be eating. Girls...guys...anyone who struggles with're not alone!"

Anna Johnson

Stop Weighing Yourself: Anorexia Recovery Video

Video by: Holdingon

*See sidebar for more ED videos

Invasion Of The Body Snatchers: ED Poems And Writings

Invasion of the Body Snatchers

Please ignore the aliens
They are taking over my brain
Impulses come and Impulses go
Hoping that my soul will still remain.

My soul is slowly dying
Remembering my past
The life and love I hold within
If only they would last.

The aliens within
Strip me of my Hope,
My Smile, My Strength, My Determination
I forget the tools to cope.

I know that I am worth the fight
I don’t like to admit
I can not do this on my own
As I reach up from this pit.

This pit of isolation
Desperation and Despair
I want to find my inner strength
To grow and become aware.

Aware of possibilities,
A life where I am free
Free to Learn, Love and Live
A life where I can see.

My truth that comes from within
I can see my outer strength
Strength to reach out, for your support
I will go to any length.

You are stronger, than this monster
That works to control my brain
With your hand, support and truth,
My soul will still remain.

By: Mary Pat Nally

*See sidebar menu for more ED poetry and writings

*Click here to have your Eating Disorders/Body Image poetry/writings featured on Weighing The Facts


Recovery Quote Of The Week: June 7th, 2009

"Take the first step, and your mind will mobilize all it's forces to your aid. But the first essential is that you begin. Once the battle is startled, all that is within and without you will come to your assistance." Robert Collier

*Please see sidebar for more Quotes Of The Week and Inspirational Recovery Quotes.


I Have A Mistress: ED Poetry And Writings

I have a mistress. She is strong and persuasive.

She is the only thing in this world that truly frightens my husband.

I have virtually stopped eating. I eat enough so that I still have a period and can keep people off my back. Maybe secretly, I want to starve myself to death and not have to deal with anything anymore. (July 18, 2008)

Her name is Ana--short for anorexia.

The National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorder estimates there are eight million people in this country who suffer from anorexia or another type of eating disorder.

I am one of those people.

My complicated relationship with Ana reached its breaking point when I was led out of a hospital in handcuffs and leg shackles.

Technically, I had done nothing illegal to warrant all of the hardware. But when I walked into the emergency room and informed the nurse on duty that I wanted to kill myself, there are certain procedures a hospital must follow.

Ana is all about control. In the beginning, I thought I controlled our relationship. She knew she was the one calling the shots.

With her at my side, I have watched myself become someone I don’t even recognize. To be with her, I have lied and deceived my family and friends over food.

Some days Ana is so frustrating that I wish I could switch places with someone else so I could get some peace from her voice. From the time I wake up until I go to sleep, I think about food. It usually begins with me wondering what to eat but it always ends with me not eating.

I used to love eating apples. I would cut the apple in half. Then cut each half into fourths. And then cut each of the fourths into four more pieces. It should take a person no more than ten minutes to eat an apple.

It took me an hour.

It’s not about the numbers on a scale. It’s about control. And my food intake is the one thing in my life that I can control. (June 1, 2008)

When I was 16 years old, my grandmother had a stroke.

I saw the ambulance from the school bus and knew something was wrong.
Since the day I was born, my grandmother helped to raise me. I remember dropping my backpack and running across the yard.

It was scary to see my favorite person in the whole world helpless and frail.
In that moment, my life changed. I went from being a high school sophomore to being a caregiver.

This was the beginning of Ana and I’s friendship. She didn’t show up because of any abuse or neglect.

Ana became a constant companion for a shy geeky teenager with few friends that was terrified of losing the one person who understood her.

I didn’t know how to share my fears or deal with all of the change. So my coping mechanism was to control how much and when I ate food. It would be years before I would admit that I was anorexic.

At home, nobody noticed because I did most of the cooking.

During that year, my friends and I had different lunchtimes. Instead of making new friends, I would get a Pepsi and a pack of crackers. For most of high school, this would be my lunch.
Truth be known, I am a lazy anorexic. I don’t exercise or calorie count. I just slowly eliminate eating as a priority for each day.

Sometimes I watch the Food Network so I can get a food fix. It’s sad that I watch Emeril or Bobby Flay so I can imagine what a meal would be like without her voice. At one time, I wanted to be a chef but being around so much food scared me.

Anorexia is a hard disease to explain to those who don’t have it. For some, it is just a matter of eating. For those of us in the know, it is about control. Control when there isn’t really control. (March 2, 2001).

I read once that in a day a person should eat about 2,000 calories. I probably eat 800 to 900 calories in a day.

It was hard at first but it became easier with time to ignore the hunger pangs and the sound of my stomach growling.

Eventually from time to time I would weigh myself. If the numbers were too high, I would freak out and not eat. But I still refused to admit I had a problem. Who punishes themselves for weighing 97 pounds by going to bed hungry? It is amazing how numbers on a scale could change my whole day.

There have been many signs that our relationship is very unhealthy.

At one point in my late 20s, I got down to 73 pounds. My friends were scared and not sure what to do.

There is a picture of me at this weight. It was taken at a Memorial Day pool party. At that time, I thought I looked awesome. My closest friends saw it differently. They saw a dangerously thin woman.

In January of 2001, a physician assistant voiced the truth.

Before that visit, I was sick all the time. I would have the flu, a cold or some sinus problem. It was always something. When I finally went to the doctor, she took one look at me and asked how long I had been anorexic.

I angrily informed her that I was not anorexic.

“I am just having trouble getting rid of this cold,” I said.

“No, you are anorexic and your poor body is fighting to stay alive,” she said quietly but firmly.
She gave me a prescription for my sinus infection and the name and number of an eating disorder specialist.

At this point in my life, Ana and I weren’t ready to be separated.
I crumpled the paper once I got in my car and threw it on the floor of my car. I refused to believe what she was saying.

Throughout that day, I called friends to tell them about what was said. I expected them to be sympathetic for me and angry at the woman also. But all I got were awkward silences or “I’ve got to go.”

The one person who had the guts to talk to me about it was one of my best friends (now my husband, James). In a very calm voice he said, “She’s right. You have an eating disorder. I hope you will listen to her and get help.”

A few days later, I picked the paper up off the floor of my car and called for help.

I wish I could say I sent Ana packing but that would be the biggest lie ever.

A few months after starting therapy, I looked in the mirror as part of an exercise. I avoid mirrors. I always have because they make me feel uncomfortable.

The first thing I noticed was that I was getting a little pudgy. At that time, I was 82 pounds. What scares me the most about the memory is how upset I was at weighing 82 pounds. This is the weight of a fourth grader. I was angry at myself for weighing 82 pounds.

I have always struggled with eating. I can’t remember the last time that I just sat down and ate without stressing about it. It’s not about calorie counting. I just can’t explain it. (May 7, 2001)

Ana and I have been together through a major move to another state, several boyfriends, two engagements, a wedding, miscarriages, a still born and the birth of my son.

She has always been there in the background waiting for me to call her back into my life.

Food will always be an issue in my life. When a plate of food is put in front of me, I get anxious and nervous. I hate to eat with others because I feel like they are watching and mentally recording every bite I put in my life.

Through the years, I had learned to keep Ana hidden.

But I accepted her embrace when the newspaper I loved went from a twice weekly to a weekly. She started her seductive whispering.

It started with me eating more junk food than real food. Then I was only eating certain foods on certain days. It soon progressed to eating only one meal a day as late as possible.
Then the newspaper was sold and my job eliminated.

Moving back home was stressful and depressing for me. Not only did I not have a job but I would be around people and would have to eat. When I lived alone, I decided when I ate. With others, there were semi-set meal times or torture time for me.

We had just bought a home. My mother was undergoing her second round of chemotherapy for stage four metastatic breast cancer. Everything was spiraling out of control.
With all the uncertainty in my life, Ana knew the only thing that could be controlled was how much I ate in a day.

She knew, in a very sick way, I got a high from going hours or days without eating. Once for a week, I survived on bag of oyster crackers and a container of cottage cheese.

Change is a big trigger for my anorexia. If the change is too big, I quit eating. (March 31, 2001)

It was tough relearning how to be a mother while being homesick for my former life.

“You may not work at a newspaper but you can still write,” everyone told me.

It is not a matter of blogging or writing a book. I wanted to write for a newspaper. I can’t describe how I feel when writing. The group, Coldplay, has a song called “Viva La Vida,”,” which sums up how I feel. The song talks about a person going from a prince to a pauper. This is how I feel now.

It starts out with “when I ruled the world.” This is how I felt as a reporter. Writing was a way of expressing myself. It was my identity. I was a reporter and not just a mother or a wife.
I started looking forward to night time. When it’s late at night, everyone is asleep. Ana’s voice subsides and I don’t have to do her bidding. There is no sneaking food into a napkin or putting it down the drain. Just silence.

The doctor doesn’t know what’s wrong. He said it could be a kidney infection. It could be. But I know why my body is messed up. I always know why. (March 14, 2002)

As with most affairs, I didn’t see how it was destroying my body, my life and my family. My two-year-old son didn’t want to eat because Mommy didn’t eat.

My husband felt powerless.

One night, I overheard him talking on the phone about being so frustrated.
I wish I could tell him how self-conscious I feel about my body. Some days I see the skeletal body that others see and other days I see something else. I envy him when he eats. He doesn’t seem to worry or stress. He just eats.

I hoped he wouldn’t notice my relapse.

He noticed. He saw how fast the weight was dropping and what I was eating. Or shall I say was not eating.

He is an excellent cook whose efforts were wasted on me. He knew this but would try anyway.
“Here try this,” he said. “I made just the way you like it.”

He would buy my favorite foods. He tried anything to get some calories into my body.
My husband is one of those people who wants to help wherever there is a need.

I know my relationship with Ana frustrates and angers him. He would express his concern about my appearance and mental state. And Ana whispers that he is jealous and don’t let him take me from her.

So instead of listening to concern for my well-being, I embraced destruction of my body.

I can’t explain her hold over me. The way it alternates between craziness and numbness. How she makes nothing else matter except not eating.

There is so much that I want to tell him but I can’t so I push him away. I don’t isolate myself to hurt him intentionally. I do it because I’m scared to imagine a life without her.

So a lot of times I try to eat enough so no one will notice.

I thought I did it with finesse but my weight loss was soon very noticeable.

Ana became my constant companion who made me feel like I was holding things together. But in reality, people I loved watched me retreat and fade away. She had become all that mattered.

Believe it or not, it does scare me when I look at my body with my clothes off. I shower with my eyes closed so I don’t have to see how painfully thin I am, but I am not sure what to do. Everyone knows. Either because they figured it out or James told them. (July 10, 2008)

Some days I would see how long I could go without eating anything substantial. This is not easy when you are running after a small child with tons of energy. Each night, I would be exhausted and stressed about eating.

Being with Ana was not a secret game that I took pleasure in playing. I no longer have an appetite. I haven’t had one in years. Whenever I get a headache or became too dizzy, I know I need to eat something.

One night, something snapped. I knew I couldn’t live like this anymore. I decided that death was the only way to get rid of her.

I could no longer live with her but in a twisted way, I couldn’t live without her.
But when the day came, I realized I didn’t want Ana to win. Even though I was desperate, I wasn’t ready to give up.

Who would do the airplane routine after my son’s bath?

Who would know the little things about him such as his favorite shirt? Who would be able to say lines from the movie Cars with him?

Those things were on my mind as I sat in my car wondering what to do-carry out my plan or seek help.

With all the stress, Ana had convinced me that nobody cared if I lived or died.

But I knew one person on this earth who would care—my son.

I was barely hanging on when I walked through those emergency room doors.

My problem is causing you problems. I have lost so much control in my life that I have nothing. I can’t do anything right. I feel so lost and helpless. I have tried to ask for help but each time I can’t make the words come out. (August 15, 2008—from suicide note to my son.)

I spent a few days at a crisis recovery center. I came home fragile and scared. Ana wasn’t completely there but she wasn’t gone either. I was determined to keep her away.

The medications that I take mimic an appetite. I’m not as lightheaded as much because I try to eat small meals and snacks throughout the day. And slowly, the numbness is starting to go away. I want to see my son grow up, graduate and have a life. I want him to have a mommy who is strong.

I don’t want to do anything to hurt my son. He’s sweet, smart and is picking up on my lack of eating. This is about him and how I must save myself. (September 24, 2008)

I don’t feel as hopeless but I still feel alone. It is hard to talk about Ana.

At my lowest point, I was 73 pounds. This time I dropped to 89 pounds. It may not sound like much but it is scary when you are four feet and 11 inches.

I used to have long, beautiful hair, somewhat of a shape and a mouthful of teeth.
Thanks to Ana, I am losing my hair, most of my teeth are gone and I feel unbalanced.
And yet my mistress still desires me.

I weigh 105 pounds. Everyone says the weight looks good on me. Ana is not comfortable with those numbers because they represent me finding strength without her.

I feel at times everyone and everything is closing in on me. They try to make me eat. It is not that simple. You can’t undo years of bad eating with one meal. (August 15, 2001)

Ana is working hard to regain a footing in my life. She whispers that she needs just a little more time with me.

One day, I will have a good day. A day when I can eat, enjoy food and not think about it too much. It will be a long time before that day comes. Ana and I have begun our dance again.

Each day is a constant struggle—to eat or not to eat. I wish I could say I am completely cured. I am not and will never be completely okay.

My therapist is nice but overwhelmed by Ana. Until I find a job with insurance, I will battle daily with Ana about eating. Some days I win but most often I don’t. If I am stressed or upset, eating is the first thing to go. It shouldn’t be so hard to get rid of something that is so deadly.
Like a person addicted to alcohol or drugs, I will also have a longing for my mistress. So I keep reminding myself of what will happen if I let her return with full force.

The two of us can never be together again because the next time Ana will kill me.

By: Jacqueline Hough of Notes From The Voices

..the trials and triumphs of a young mother trying to conquer her eating disorder while trying to find a job and keep her sanity.

*See sidebar menu for more ED poetry and writings

*Click here to have your Eating Disorders/Body Image poetry/writings featured on Weighing The Facts

If you're dealing with insurance issues, or can't afford treatment for your eating disorder please see the following posts:When You Can't Afford Treatment For Your Eating Disorder

Important Mental Health Links

picture source: public domain pictures

Raise Money For Your Favorite Eating Disorders Organizations By Searching The Web: Good Search

With GoodSearch, you can raise money for your favorite charity, school, or non-profit eating disorders organization each time you search or shop online.

Simply choose from this list of participating non-profits, and search as you normally would.
"GoodSearch is a search engine which donates 50-percent of its revenue to the charities and schools designated by its users. It's a simple and compelling concept. You use GoodSearch exactly as you would any other search engine. Because it's powered by Yahoo!, you get proven search results. The money GoodSearch donates to your cause comes from its advertisers — the users and the organizations do not spend a dime!", their online shopping mall with more than 900 top online retailers, will donate up to 30% of each of your purchases to the charity or school of your choice. You pay the same price as you normally would, but a donation goes to your cause!

If you would you like to add a new charity or school to the list, the guidelines can be found here.

Have more questions? Scroll down and check out their FAQs.

Recovery Quote Of The Week: May 31st 2009

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out."
Robert Collier


Mental Health Month: Important Mental Health Links

Resources: Mental Health: Hotlines, Websites, and Organizations

MHA (Mental Health America)

Finding Help
Finding Treatment
Parity Laws

US Dept Of Health And Human Services

Children and Families
Organizations and Financing

NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness)

Eating Disorders
Bipolar Disorder
Major Depression
Borderline Personality Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
More: By Illness
Find Support

National Institute Of Mental Health

Outreach Partnership Program

Prescription Assistance Programs

Needy Meds
RX Assist
Partnership For Prescription Assistance
NAMI Prescription Assistance Programs
Merck Programs For Those In Need
The Access Project
Disability Resources Org
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)
MHA Prescription Payment Assistance

Additional Links:

Mental Health Resources By State

Mental Health Matters

Mental Health Resources On The Web For Families (PDF)

National Mental Health Consumers' Self-Help Clearinghouse

When You Can't Afford Treatment

*See More Mental Health Links

Sources linked above; picture

Eating Disorders Poll: What Are Your Favorite Recovery Tools?

Are you recovering/recovered from your eating disorder(s)? What are your favorite recovery tools? Please take a moment and participate in the poll located in the sidebar and share what tools have been most helpful to you.

Poll Results:

What are your favorite recovery tools?

(choose all that apply)

24 (72%)
Art/ Creative Activities
16 (48%)
Inspirational Quotes
18 (54%)
7 (21%)
Group Meetings
10 (30%)
19 (57%)
Positive Self-Talk
8 (24%)
Supportive Friends
19 (57%)
Supportive Family
9 (27%)
Helping Others
9 (27%)
12 (36%)
11 (33%)
Music (listening)
18 (54%)
Music (performing)
5 (15%)
Recovery Videos
7 (21%)
9 (27%)
Physical Activity (non-obsessive)
11 (33%)
12 (36%)
10 (30%)
3 (9%)

Votes so far: 33

Additional polls and results can be found here.


Eating Disorders Inspirational Recovery Quotes: Believing In Yourself

Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.
Dr. David Schwartz

Tentative efforts lead to tentative outcomes. Therefore, give yourself fully to your endeavors. Decide to construct your character through excellent actions and determine to pay the price of a worthy goal. The trials you encounter will introduce you to your strengths. Remain steadfast...and one day you will build something that endures, something worthy of your potential.

When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.
African Proverb

It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves.
Edmund Hillary

The vision that you glorify in your mind, the ideal that you enthrone in your heart - this you will build your life by, and this you will become.
James Allen

Spirit can walk, spirit can swim, spirit can climb, spirit can crawl. There is no terrain you cannot overcome.
Irisa Hail

If you have made mistakes, there is always another chance for you. You may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.
Mary Pickford

Nothing happens by itself... it all will come your way, once you understand that you have to make it come your way, by your own exertions.
Ben Stein

Prepare your mind to receive the best that life has to offer.
Ernest Holmes

Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside of them was superior to circumstance.
Bruce Barton

What a fool, quoth he, am I, thus to lie in a stinking dungeon, when I may as well walk at liberty! I have a key in my bosom, called Promise, that will, I am persuaded, open any lock in Doubting Castle.
John Bunyan

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.
Anaïs Nin

If you really put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price.
Author Unknown

I've spent most of my life walking under that hovering cloud, jealousy, whose acid raindrops blurred my vision and burned holes in my heart. Once I learned to use the umbrella of confidence, the skies cleared up for me and the sunshine called joy became my faithful companion.
Astrid Alauda

It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.
Sally Field

A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her.
David Brinkley

We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies.
Roderick Thorp

You have to expect things of yourself before you can do them.
Michael Jordan

The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years. Most people believe that aging is universal but there are biological organisms that never age.
Deepak Chopra

In the long run the pessimist may be proved right, but the optimist has a better time on the trip.
Daniel L. Reardon

When you come to the end of all the light you know, and it's time to step into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing that one of two things shall happen: Either you will be given something solid to stand on or you will be taught to fly.
Edward Teller

Don't let people drive you crazy when you know it's in walking distance.
Author Unknown

It's not what you go through that defines you; you can't help that. It's what you do AFTER you've gone through it that really tests who you are.
Kwame Floyd

Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.
Benjamin Spock

Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
Veronica A. Shoffstall

It ain't what they call you, it's what you answer to.
W.C. Fields

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in their true beauty is revealed only if there is light from within.
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

Your belief determines your action and your action determines your results, but first you have to believe.
Mark Victor Hansen

To succeed, we must first believe that we can.
Michael Korda

You can have anything you want if you will give up the belief that you can't have it.
Robert Anthony

Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Your problem is you're... too busy holding onto your unworthiness.
Ram Dass

Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.
Norman Vincent Peale

The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others.
Sonya Friedman

In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.
Michael Korda

It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you're not.

The thing always happens that you really believe in; and the belief in a thing makes it happen.
Frank Lloyd Wright

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can't, you're right.
Mary Kay Ash

Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around.
Henry David Thoreau

Other people's opinion of you does not have to become your reality.
Les Brown

It's me who is my enemy
Me who beats me up
Me who makes the monsters
Me who strips my confidence.
Paula Cole

Some things have to be believed to be seen.
Ralph Hodgson

Put your future in good hands - your own.
Author Unknown

The things we hate about ourselves aren't more real than things we like about ourselves.
Ellen Goodman

To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
Anatole France

The turning point, I think, was when I really realized that you can do it yourself. That you have to believe in you because sometimes that's the only person that does believe in your success ...
Tim Blixseth

Our ordinary mind always tries to persuade us that we are nothing but acorns and that our greatest happiness will be to become bigger, fatter, shinier acorns; but that is of interest only to pigs. Our faith gives us knowledge of something better: that we can become oak trees.
E.F. Schumacher

Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.
Peter T. Mcintyre

Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. So what. Get started now. With each step you take, you will grow stronger and stronger, more and more skilled, more and more self-confident and more and more successful.
Mark Victor Hansen

Of all our infirmities, the most savage is to despise our being.
Michel de Montaigne

Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.
Mary Kay Ash

I am not a has-been. I am a will be.
Lauren Bacall

It is easier to believe than to doubt.
Everett D. Martin

The courage to be is the courage to accept oneself, in spite of being unacceptable.
Paul Tillich

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work, determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for those who believe.
Gail Devers

Only as high as I reach can I grow,
Only as far as I seek can I go,
Only as deep as I look can I see,
Only as much as I dream can I be.
Karen Ravn

I just try to be the best I can be and hope that is the best ever.
Tiger Woods

Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway.
Mary Kay Ash

Never dull your shine for somebody else.
Tyra Banks

Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt. William Shakespeare

You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes.
You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.
You're on your own.
And you know what you know.
You are the guy who'll decide where to go.
Dr. Seuss

*more Recovery Quotes and Quotes of the Week can be found in the sidebar drop down menus.
